Showing posts with label QQQQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QQQQ. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Six Advantages of ETFs

ETFs, or Exchange Traded Funds, have increased in popularity over the last few years, and for a number of reasons. Today, Price Headley of, is going to give us the low down on everything we need to know about this increasingly utilized financial product.
We hope you'll enjoy today's guest blog post and perhaps consider adding ETFs or ETF options to your portfolio in the near future. As always, we're interested in hearing what you have to say about this post or your experiences trading ETFS in our comments section. In recent years the popularity of ETF Options has exploded.

The issue with ETFs and ETF Options has always been liquidity, but things have changed in that regard. Due to the advantageous architecture of ETFs, more investors are hedging their portfolios with ETF options. To understand the reason these vehicles are changing the options environment, let's take a look at the underlying securities and their benefits.

1. ETFs Trade Like a Stock - Unlike mutual funds or hedge funds which can only be entered or exited at the market close each trading day, ETFs can be bought and sold intraday. They can even be day-traded just like stocks. This advantage allows investors to make speculative bets on the direction of an index while still having the ability to exit the trade at any time of the day. ETFs also allow short selling, as well as often being optionable.

2. Diversification - One of the main benefits of trading ETFs is diversification. ETFs were created to track an index, be that a stock index, commodity index, currency index, or almost any other type of security index. The advantage of trading an index is that you are shielded from the volatile up and down swings of a given individual security.

3. Liquidity - There are many funds that are highly liquid. The QQQQ fund (follows the Nasdaq-100 Index) has an average daily trade volume of over 164 million shares and over 75 other funds have an average daily volume of more than 1 million shares. (Liquidity is important to get in or out of a position quickly. There are a lot of other buyers and sellers to facilitate your trades as opposed to relying on market makers to do everything for you. If you are trading options on the funds, many of these also have highly liquid options.)

4. Low Bid/Ask - As a result of high liquidity, many ETFs have low bid/ask spreads. A high bid/ask spread can cut into your trading profits. Most of the highly liquid ETFs have a bid/ask spread of only a few cents during the trading day.

5. Variety - Whichever sector of the market interests you, you can probably find and ETF for it. There are major index funds such as the QQQQ and SPY as well as sector funds such as XLF (Financials), international funds such as EEM (Emerging Markets). In addition to sector specific, fund companies are continually introducing "Ultra" and "Inverse" ETFs. "Ultra" ETFs are leveraged funds in which the returns of the fund are double that of the index. For example, if an ETF is up 10% for a given year, then the Ultra ETF for that same index would be up around 20% in the same year. Keep in mind that this leverage can work for you, as well as against you. "Inverse" ETFs are funds which move in the opposite direction of the underlying index. So if the S&P 500 Index is down 8%, then the inverse ETF for the S&P would be up 8%. To further increase your investing options, some ultra ETFs are also inverse funds as well.

6. Low Expense Ratios (Fees) - ETFs have much lower expense ratios than mutual funds or hedge funds. This means that more of your money stays in the investment rather than going to the firm that is maintaining it.

Some believe Exchange Traded Funds will become the primary investment instrument for most investors largely leaving mutual funds behind. This growth is demonstrated by the increasing availability of ETF options.

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