Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dan Dicker: Oil's Endless Bid

We all know Dan from his appearances on CNBC and The Street.Com but don't hold that against him. Dan's insight into the world of trading crude oil and natural gas is great for the "home Gamer" that needs help trading these commodities using tickers they can both buy and understand.

The price of oil is negatively impacting both companies and consumers. In Oil's Endless Bid, taming the Unreliable Price of Energy to Secure Our Economy, energy analyst Dan Dicker recalls his experiences as an oil trader and reveals the changes that have taken place in the oil markets during the past twenty years, and particularly the last five, as investment banks, energy hedge funds, and managed futures funds have come to dominate energy trading and wreak havoc on prices.

Get started trading crude oil today, just click here to order your copy of "Oil's Endless Bid"


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