Tuesday, August 30, 2022

New Gold Apex Pattern - How Will The U.S. Fed Rate Decision Affect This?

My research shows a new Gold Apex pattern is set up for September 11th - 15th. Around September 11th or after, Gold will attempt to reach this new Apex level near $1766. This price pattern is important because the US Fed rate decision date is September 20th - 21st, and a host of economic data reporting comes out the week before the Fed decision.

My educated guess is Gold & Silver will begin a volatile breakout move, possibly rolling lower to retest support near $1672, before attempting to move higher as global fear starts to elevate. I believe the current lower support level is critical to understanding the opportunities in Gold. If the $1672 level is breached to the downside, it means that Gold has lost a critical support level and will likely trend lower....Continue Reading Here.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Crude Oil Prices - Will They Hold Above Key Support Level Or Begin To Unwind?

Talk of a global recession may prompt a broad decline in crude oil prices as the excesses of the past 10+ years unwind. This unwinding process pushed to the forefront for traders and investors has been prompted by a massive inflationary expansion after the COVID-19 lock downs. How will it play out in the short term and long term?

We believe crude oil will contract as the initial reduction in demand associated with high priced gasoline and oil products and the threat of a global recession recede. This decline in crude oil prices is complicated as China/Asia economic and COVID crisis events continue to disrupt consumer discretionary income and asset valuation levels.....Continue Reading Here.

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