Thursday, November 2, 2023

Trading Doesn't Have To Be Complicated If You Have Systems In Place

Chris joins Etienne Crete on the Desire To Trade Podcast to discuss why he believes you don’t need to trade every day to make a living from trading.

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The discussion includes the following questions:

  • Chris’ background from his introduction to trading in high school to evolving into the technical trader that he is today.
  • Treat trading like a business. How to become a consistently profitable trader. Why blowing up your account can be one of the hardest and best lessons to learn from on the journey to becoming the trader you want to be.
  • Chris’ trading style, Asset Revesting, rests between active trading and passive investing. How is this different than what most people do.
  • Why following price is so important when deciding what to trade.
  • How the market moves in wave-like patterns.
  • What an asset hierarchy is.
  • Why taking profits during a trade is so important.
  • What the Consistent Growth Strategy (CGS) is all about.
  • Setting the proper expectations is an important mindset to cultivate.
  • ‘Money Protection Mode’ – deploying risk management and position sizing tools.
  • What are the indications that the market is about to reverse?
  • Chris’ thoughts on fully trusting and following a system and strategy.
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