Monday, January 30, 2023

Is A Full Fledged Bear Market On The Horizon and The Rally In Precious Metals?

Chris Vermeulen sits down with David Lin of Kitco News to discuss the current market and asset class cycles – a very important concept to understand when positioning investments. Looking at the stages of the market and the emotions of investors and trades, the question comes up of whether we are about to start a new bull market or are hovering on the edge of a complacency phase, about to tip into a full-fledged bear market....Continue Reading Here.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Monthly Outlook For Precious Metals Super Cycle - Today’s Free Video

Chris Vermeulen discusses the current state of various markets, including the stock market, and suggests that there may be a bear market on the horizon. 

He also discusses the potential for a “supercycle” in precious metals, specifically gold and silver, and suggests that there may be opportunities for investment in these areas....Watch Video Here.

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