This Daily Natural Gas chart highlighting our predictive Fibonacci price modeling system shows the downside price targets that are waiting to confirm price support and a potential “deep V bottom formation”. If you recall from our earlier research, we believe this downside move will end rather quickly with a deep V type of price bottom setting up near the end of 2018. This means we expect the price of Natural Gas to begin to rally into 2019 after reaching the $3.00 - 3.20 level soon.
This is an incredible move for skilled traders. We are watching a $2.50 price move in Natural Gas unfold right before our eyes – and it appears this rotation will complete before the end of February 2019. -$1.40 to the downside, then +1.20 to the upside. Just follow the predictive modeling systems and ride it out.
We’ll alert you when the bottom sets up and when the upside move it about to unfold, but for now, we are watching for NG to move into the support zone (near $3.20). Once that level is reached, a technical price bottom should start to set up and the new rally back towards $4.00 will likely start in early January 2019.
Want to learn how our advanced price modeling tools can make calls like this weeks and months in advance? Visit The Technical Traders to learn about our research, services, daily videos, and more solutions to help skilled traders stay ahead of these market moves. Our advanced predictive modeling solutions and years of market research provide our members with a clear advantage you won’t find anywhere else.
Consider joining our services as a Christmas Gift to yourself!
Chris Vermeulen
The Technical Traders

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