If this is early price activity, or a reactionary price move, related to fear of what may come, then the warnings signs are very clear that global traders and investors believe this virus outbreak may very well turn into a major Black Swan event.
Our research team believes a 5% to 8% rotation should be considered a normal reversion range where price may find immediate support and attempt to rally from these support levels. Anything beyond 10% may set up a much bigger price reversion event, something akin to a Black Swan event. Therefore, we are advising our friends and followers to take the necessary steps to protect your wealth and assets as this move continued to extend.
30 Minute YM Futures Chart
This 30 minute YM futures chart highlights the reactionary downside price move (GAP) taking place on the open of the Asian markets. This GAP lower may be just the beginning of a much broader downside price move. We are going to have to wait and see what happens related to the Wuhan virus over the next 14+ days.
30 Minute Gold Futures Chart
Gold shot up nearly 1% in early trading on Sunday. Fear is driving investors to pile into the precious metals markets. As news of this virus continues to hit the news cycle, we expect metals will continue to push higher and higher – likely targeting the $1750 level in Gold.
If you want to see what the big money players own check out these gold charts and a very different interpretation of the gold COT Data here.
If you have not been following our research and if you have not already positioned your portfolio for this potential reversion event, then now would be a good time to start taking action. Do some research on the 1855 Third Plague Event in China where more than 15 million people died (nearly 1.25% of the total global population at the time). If those levels hold for this event, then possibly 60 to 80 million people may die over related to this event.
Crude oil is collapsing again and just his out downside target of $53. Our energy sector trade idea is up over 15% already.
Remember, all of this is speculation at this point. Yet we urge traders to act now to take action to prevent further erosion of their wealth and retirement accounts. Visit the Technical Traders website to learn how we can help you plan for these events, protect your wealth, and find great trades.
As a technical analysis and trader since 1997 I have been through a few bull/bear market cycles, I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for both short term swing trading and long-term investment capital. The opportunities are massive/life changing if handled properly.
Join my Wealth Building Newsletter if you like what you read here and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own.
Chris Vermeulen
The Technical Traders

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