Crude oil, like most commodities, is not priced as a single data point like a stock. Instead, commodities, like oil, trade via futures contracts. A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell a particular commodity or security at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. Futures contracts are standardized for quantity and quality specifications to facilitate trading on a futures exchange....Continue Reading Here.
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Showing posts with label contango. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contango. Show all posts
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Trading Crude Oil With USO
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
The New Normal for Crude Oil?
By Marin Katusa, Chief Energy Investment Strategist
You may have come across the word “contango” in an oil related news report or article recently and wondered, “What’s contango?”It isn’t the Chinese version of the tango.
Contango is a condition in a commodity market where the futures price for the commodity is higher than the current spot price. Essentially, the future price of oil is higher than what oil is worth today.
The above forward curve on oil is what contango looks like. There’s more value placed on a barrel of oil tomorrow and in the future than over a barrel today because of the increased value of storage.
I personally believe our resource portfolios are in portfolio contango—but that’s an entirely separate discussion that I’ll get to later. In today’s missive, I want to focus entirely on oil contango.
Crude oil under $50 per barrel may seem to put most of the producers out of business, but many oil and gas exploring and producing (E&P) companies are sheltered from falling prices in the form of hedges.
Often, companies will lock in a price for their future production in form of a futures commodity contract. This provides the company with price stability, as it’s sure to realize the price it locked in at some future date when it must deliver its oil.
But the market will always figure out a way to make money—and here’s one opportunity: the current oil contango leads to plenty of demand for storage of that extra oil production.
With US shale being one of the main culprits of excess crude oil production, storage of crude in US markets have risen above seasonally adjusted highs in the last year. This abundance of stored crude has pushed the current spot price of crude oil toward five year lows, as current demand is just not there to take on more crude production.
When in contango, a guaranteed result is an increase in demand for cheap storage of the commodity, in order to clip the profit between the higher commodity price in the future versus what’s being paid for the commodity at present. This is precisely what’ playing out in oil today.
Contago, Five Years Later
Floating Storage Is Back in Vogue
This is what a big oil tanker looks like:
I’m personally reminded of contango whenever I look out my living room window:
Here’s a photo taken out my living room window—and this is non-busy part of the harbor. At times when I do my runs along the seawall, there have been up to 30 large oil tankers just sitting in the harbor. (On a side note, Olivier and I went for a run in July along the Vancouver seawall, and we counted 26 oil tankers.) All that pricey Vancouver waterfront will have an incredible view of even more oil tankers in the years to come when the pipelines are eventually built. I can only imagine what the major import harbors of China and the US look like… never mind the number of oil tankers sitting in the export nations’ harbors and the Strait of Hormuz. Multiply the above by at least 50 red circles.
As the spread between future delivery of oil and the spot price widened, traders looking to profit from the spread would purchase crude at spot prices and store it on oil tanker ships out at sea. The difference between the spread and the cost to store the crude per barrel is referred to as the arbitrage profit taken by traders. Scale is a very important factor in crude storage at sea: therefore, traders used very large crude carriers (VLCC) and Suezmax ships that hold between 1-2 million barrels of crude oil.
In the late summer of 2014, rates charged for crude tankers began to climb to yearly highs because of the lower price that spurred hoarding of crude oil. This encouraged VLCCs to lock in one year time charter rates close to and above their breakeven costs to operate the ship.
Time charter rates share similarities to the oil futures market, as ships are able to lock in a daily rate for the use of their ships over a fairly long period of time. VLCC spot rates have reached around $51,000 per day; however, these rates tend to be booked for a shorter period of around three months. These higher spot rates tend to reflect the higher cost paid to crew a VLCC currently against locking in crew and operating costs over a longer-term charter that could last a year. Crude oil is often stored on floating VLCCs for periods of six months to a year depending, on the contango spread.
Floating Storage: Economics
However, they’ll soon become profitable across the board once the oil futures and spot price spread widens above $6-$7 per barrel.
The red star depicts the current spread between the six-month futures contract from the futures price in February 2015. Currently companies are losing just under $0.20 per barrel storing crude for delivery in six months. However, once that $6-$7 hurdle spread is achieved, most VLCCs carrying 2 million barrels of crude will be economic to take advantage of the arbitrage in the contango futures curve.
The VLCC and ULCC Market
VLCC= Very Large Crude CarrierULCC=Ultra-Large Crude Carrier
VLCCs store 1.25-2 million barrels of oil for each cargo. Globally, there are 634 VLCCs with around 1.2 billion barrels of storage capacity, or over one-third of the US’s total oil production. The VLCC market is fairly fractioned, and the largest fleet of VLCCs by a publicly traded company belongs to Frontline Ltd. with 25 VLCCs. The largest private company VLCC fleet belongs to Tankers International with 37 VLCCs. In early December, Frontline and Tankers International created a joint venture to control around 10% of the VLCC market. Other smaller VLCC fleets belong to DHT with 16 VLCCS, and Navios Maritime with 8 VLCCs.
The lowest time charter breakeven costs of $24,000 per day are associated with the largest VLCC fleet from Frontline Ltd. and Tankers International. This is followed by the smaller fleets that have time charter breakeven costs of around $29,000 per day. Of course, on average the breakeven costs associated with most VLCCs is around $30,000 per day, and current time charter rates are around $33,000.
Investing in companies with VLCC fleets as the contango trade develops can generate great potential for further profits for investors. The focus of these investments would be between the publicly traded companies DHT Holdings, Frontline Ltd., and Navios Maritime.
But one must consider that investing in these companies can be very volatile because of the forward curve’s ability to quickly change. It isn’t for the faint of heart.
However, if current oil prices stay low, there will be an increase in tanker storage and thus a sustained increase in the spot price of VLCCs. However, eventually low prices cure low prices, and the market goes from contango to backwardation. It always does and always will.
Shipping companies have been burdened by unprofitable spot and charter pricing since the financial crisis, and these rates have only recently started to increase.
There’s a lot of risk for one to think playing the tankers is a sure bet. I have a pretty large network of professional traders and resource investors, and I do not want to see the retail crowd get caught on the wrong side of the contango situation.
In the past, spot rates for the VLCCs usually decline into February and have dropped to as low as under $20,000 per day. It is entirely possible that if the day rates of VLCCs go back to 2012-2013 levels, operators will lose money.
Conclusion: this speculation on tankers is entirely dependent on the spot price and the forward curve.
The risk of this short term trade is that these companies are heavily levered, and some are just hanging on by a thread. Although this seasonal boost to spot rates has been a positive for VLCCs and other crude carriers, the levered nature of these companies could spell financial disaster or bankruptcy if spot rates return to 2012-2013 levels.
What should be stressed are the similarities to the short-lived gas rally in the winter of 2013-‘14, and the effect these prices have had on North American natural gas companies. A specific event similar to the polar vortex has occurred in the oil market, which has spurred a seasonal increase in the spot price tankers charge to move and store oil.
However, much like the North American natural gas market, the VLCC market is oversupplied; a temporary increase in spot prices that have led to increased transport and storage of oil will not be enough to lift these carriers from choppy waters ahead. Future VLCC supplies are expected to rise, with 20 net VLCCs being built and delivered in 2015 and 33 in 2016. This is much more than the 17 net VLCCs added in 2013 and 9 in 2014.
Another looming and very possible threat to these companies is the same debt threat that affected energy debt markets as global oil prices plummeted. If VLCC and other crude carriers experience a fall in spot prices, these companies’ junk debt could be downgraded to some of the lowest debt grades that border a default rating. This will increase financing costs and in turn increase the operating breakeven costs to operate these crude carrying vessels. The supply factor, high debt, and potentially short-lived seasonally high spot market could all affect the long-term appreciation of these VLCC stock prices. Investing in these companies is very risky over the long run, but a possible trade exists if storage and transport of oil continues to increase for these crude carriers.
Portfolio Contango—An Opportunity Not Seen in Decades
The young talent is the first group to be laid off, and there’s a serious crisis developing in the sector, as many of the smart young guns have left the sector to claim their fortunes in other sectors.
There’s blood in the streets in the resource sector.
Now if you believe that, as I do, to be successful in the resource sector one must be a contrarian to be rich, now is the time to act.
I have invested more money in the junior resource sector in the last six months than I have in the last five years. I believe we’re in contango for resource stocks, meaning that the future price of the best juniors will be worth much more than they are currently.
I have my rules in speculating, and you’ll learn from my experience—and more important, my network of the smartest and most successful resource mentors whom I have shadowed for many years.
So how can we profit from the blood in these markets? Easy.
Take on my “Katusa Challenge.” You’ll get access to every Casey Energy Report newsletter I’ve written in the last decade, and my current recommendations with specific price and timing guidance. There’s no risk to you: if you don’t like the Casey Energy Report or don’t make any money over your first three months, just cancel within that time for a full, prompt refund, no questions asked. Even if you miss the three month cutoff, cancel anytime for a prorated refund on the unused part of your subscription.
As a subscriber, you’ll receive instant access to our current issue, which details how to protect yourself from falling oil prices, plus our current top recommendations in the oil patch. Do your portfolio a favor and have me on your side to increase your chances of success. I can’t make the trade for you, but I can help you help yourself.
I’m making big bets—are you ready to step up and join me?
The article The New Normal for Oil? was originally published at
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Casey Energy Report,
Marin Katusa,
Thursday, September 8, 2011
EIA: This Week In Petroleum....The Latest Twist in Crude Oil Price Patterns
Since the beginning of the year, a defining feature of the oil market has been the apparent "disconnect" between prices for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and those for other crude oil grades. Prices for WTI have been trading at an ever widening discount to those of other grades, such as North Sea Brent, a close WTI look-alike in terms of gravity and sulfur content (Figure 1). The WTI futures curve and that of Brent futures also have parted ways: WTI futures remain in contango, meaning that prices for nearby contracts trade at a discount to those for later delivery, while Brent futures have swung into backwardation (prompt barrels trading at a premium to deferred ones). Recently the discount of WTI futures to Brent futures, a closely watched market indicator, has reached a record-high level. EIA's newly released Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) expects a large WTI discount to persist through the end of 2012. Recent market developments, however, warrant a fresh look at its likely causes.
Historically, periods of WTI discount versus Brent have generally been associated with a buildup in inventories at Cushing, OK, the delivery point of the NYMEX crude futures contract. It was thus not surprising that the recent widening of the WTI discount initially coincided with an unprecedented buildup in Cushing crude stocks (Figure 2), thanks to both surging domestic and imported crude supply in the Midwest and a significant expansion of local storage capacity. Seeking to explain the price discrepancy between Cushing and other crude grades, analysts pointed to a lack of pipelines out of Cushing that, in effect, stranded rising crude supplies in the landlocked Cushing and broader Midwestern markets, causing stocks to rise.
Also, any increase in the WTI-Brent spread has traditionally been associated with a corresponding shift in the WTI time structure: the spread between front-month and second-month WTI generally closely tracks that between front-month Brent and front-month WTI (Figure 3). That makes sense, given the transit time to move Brent barrels from the North Sea to the U.S. Midwest.
But neither of these features is evident in recent market trends. Far from building further, in line with the widening of the WTI discount, Cushing crude stocks have been falling fast in the last few months. At latest count, Cushing stocks were more than 9 million barrels below their early-April peaks - a reversal in inventory trends that has not stopped the WTI discount from widening further (Figure 2). Meanwhile, WTI "time spreads" - the price difference between prompt WTI barrels and WTI supplies for later delivery - have not kept up with the Brent-WTI spread. The contango in WTI futures has shrunk, with front-month WTI trading at a narrowing discount to the second-month contract, while the Brent-WTI spread has taken off - a development that normally would portend a widening WTI contango (see Figure 3).
Two considerations may help make sense of these somewhat counterintuitive developments. First, it may help to look beyond U.S. inventories and consider the stock situation in Brent's own regional market. As reflected in the steep backwardation in Brent futures markets, the European crude market continues to face very tight supply conditions. The disruption in Libyan crude exports, most of which normally end up at European refineries, drew European crude stocks well below their normal range (see Figure 4). Despite the release of oil from International Energy Agency strategic storage and increased Saudi exports, the tight crude oil supply situation in Europe has blunted the downward price impact of weak economic recovery. Current supply conditions in Europe have had as much impact on the transatlantic arbitrage and Brent-WTI spread as the buildup of excess supply in Cushing.
Second, rising inventories at Cushing should not be seen, in this case, as the exclusive, primary driver of the WTI price discount, but rather as a secondary symptom of underlying transportation bottlenecks. Those bottlenecks, which have been the real root cause of recent relative WTI price weakness, can also manifest themselves in other ways, such as rising transportation costs.
Bottlenecks are not airtight: depending on the pull from other markets, some oil can seep through, but at a cost. Such has been the case of the Cushing storage hub and the broader Midwestern market, from which rail, barge and truck shipments of crude have been on the rise. The greater the pull on Midwest crude supplies, the higher the transportation costs, as the least expensive ways out of the Midwest are tapped first and transportation costs increase for the marginal barrel.
Logistical bottlenecks hindering crude flows from Cushing and the Midwest to the U.S. Gulf Coast can be seen as the primary factor of the WTI disconnect, whether they express themselves through stock builds and an associated increase in marginal storage costs (thus increasing the slope of the contango), or through stock draws and a ramp-up in marginal transport costs (causing "location spreads" to widen). Notwithstanding the recent decline in Cushing inventories as markets resort to premium-cost transportation capacity to move discounted WTI crude, such capacity is itself constrained and may soon be overwhelmed by renewed growth in exports from Canada or regional refinery maintenance. Pipeline companies are going ahead with plans to add capacity out of the region, whether through new, dedicated lines (Keystone XL, awaiting regulatory approval) or by reversing and/or expanding existing infrastructure, as Magellan and others have announced. Until such plans come closer to being realized, or the crude supply balance in Europe significantly improves, the WTI discount will likely persist and perhaps widen further.
Gasoline and diesel prices advance for second straight week
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline increased this week, adding almost a nickel to reach $3.67 per gallon. The average price is $0.99 per gallon higher than last year at this time. The largest increase came on the West Coast where prices gained more than eleven cents per gallon over last week; the average price in region is now $3.86 per gallon, the most expensive in the country. The average price in the Rocky Mountain region gained an even four cents per gallon on the week. Moving east, average prices in the Midwest and on the East Coast rose 3-4 cents per gallon. Rounding out the regions, the Gulf Coast saw prices add about two cents per gallon to remain the least expensive in the country at $3.49 per gallon.
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline increased this week, adding almost a nickel to reach $3.67 per gallon. The average price is $0.99 per gallon higher than last year at this time. The largest increase came on the West Coast where prices gained more than eleven cents per gallon over last week; the average price in region is now $3.86 per gallon, the most expensive in the country. The average price in the Rocky Mountain region gained an even four cents per gallon on the week. Moving east, average prices in the Midwest and on the East Coast rose 3-4 cents per gallon. Rounding out the regions, the Gulf Coast saw prices add about two cents per gallon to remain the least expensive in the country at $3.49 per gallon.
Similar to gasoline, the national average diesel price climbed almost a nickel to $3.87 per gallon. The diesel price is $0.94 per gallon higher than last year at this time. The West Coast average diesel price gained more than seven cents per gallon, the largest regional increase for the week. The Rocky Mountains followed, adding more than five cents to last week's price, while the Midwest registered an increase of just under five cents per gallon. The East Coast and Gulf Coast each saw price increases of about four cents per gallon.
Propane inventories level out
Last week, U.S. inventories of propane began to level out as the re-stocking season draws to an end. Total U.S. propane stocks drew slightly to end at 53.6 million barrels. Midwest regional propane inventories decreased by 1.1 million barrels, while Gulf Coast stocks increased by 1.0 million barrels. Rocky Mountain/West Coast regional stocks also grew by 0.1 million barrels, while East Coast inventories drew slightly. Propylene non-fuel use inventories represented 5.5 percent of total propane inventories.
Last week, U.S. inventories of propane began to level out as the re-stocking season draws to an end. Total U.S. propane stocks drew slightly to end at 53.6 million barrels. Midwest regional propane inventories decreased by 1.1 million barrels, while Gulf Coast stocks increased by 1.0 million barrels. Rocky Mountain/West Coast regional stocks also grew by 0.1 million barrels, while East Coast inventories drew slightly. Propylene non-fuel use inventories represented 5.5 percent of total propane inventories.
Posted courtesy of the EIA's This Week In Petroleum
Brent Crude,
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Crude Oil, Contango and Roll Yield for Commodity Trading
From the Automated Trading System Blog.....
We have already discussed how roll yield can negatively affect the overall return of a commodity holding The impact of contango or backwardation can be relatively large compared to the overall return. Petroleum has unfortunately been in the news lately. Nevertheless, Crude Oil performance last year gave us a good illustration of the impact that contango/backwardation can have.
CRUDE OIL – 2009
Crude Oil’s had a fantastic year in 2009. The spot price bottomed around 35 and topped 80 to finish on a near +100% performance. Many would assume that quick and easy way to double their money was to invest in Crude Oil in 2009 (assuming you could time the top and bottom perfectly). This is without counting the strong effect of contango that would have eaten into the return.
This can be illustrated by the fact that the USO ETF – supposed to reflect the performance, less expenses, of the spot price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) light, sweet crude oil – did not manage to emulate the levels of performance seen in the Crude Oil spot price in 2009. A mere +34% performance over 2009 pales in comparison with spot price performance. This is, of course, because the ETF managers invest in Crude Oil futures and are subject to the same contango, which eats into their returns.
Here is the charts of examples for Crude Oil in 2009....
How To Spot Winning Futures Trades....Watch Video NOW
We have already discussed how roll yield can negatively affect the overall return of a commodity holding The impact of contango or backwardation can be relatively large compared to the overall return. Petroleum has unfortunately been in the news lately. Nevertheless, Crude Oil performance last year gave us a good illustration of the impact that contango/backwardation can have.
CRUDE OIL – 2009
Crude Oil’s had a fantastic year in 2009. The spot price bottomed around 35 and topped 80 to finish on a near +100% performance. Many would assume that quick and easy way to double their money was to invest in Crude Oil in 2009 (assuming you could time the top and bottom perfectly). This is without counting the strong effect of contango that would have eaten into the return.
This can be illustrated by the fact that the USO ETF – supposed to reflect the performance, less expenses, of the spot price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) light, sweet crude oil – did not manage to emulate the levels of performance seen in the Crude Oil spot price in 2009. A mere +34% performance over 2009 pales in comparison with spot price performance. This is, of course, because the ETF managers invest in Crude Oil futures and are subject to the same contango, which eats into their returns.
Here is the charts of examples for Crude Oil in 2009....
How To Spot Winning Futures Trades....Watch Video NOW
Crude Oil,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Is Resolution of Natural Gas Conundrum About to Emerge?

For most of this year, natural gas prices have moved counter to almost everyone's expectations falling while crude oil prices have risen dramatically. The conventional explanation has been that natural gas production coming from the newly completed wells in the prolific gas shale formations around the country is much greater than from traditionally located and drilled wells. The unanswered questions are when will this phenomenon of more productive wells coming on stream end and why are producers continuing to drill ANY gas wells in a sub $3 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) world?
Why are producers continuing to drill ANY gas wells in a sub-$3 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) world?
Some producers have claimed that they have been scaling back their gas drilling activity lately, despite the recent uptick in gas drilling rigs, but the backlog of drilled but yet to be completed wells is being worked down and that accounts for many of the prolific new wells coming on stream. The answer to why producers are willing to drill and complete wells in today's low gas price world is answered by the strong contango that has prices for natural gas one year into the future selling at nearly $2 per Mcf higher than current fiscal spot prices. The two charts below.....Read the entire article with charts!
energy futures,
gas shales,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Technical Analysis From Barclays: Oil Set to Fall on Spreads
Brent crude oil is likely to fall below $63 a barrel “in the next few weeks” as the spread between long term contracts widens, according to technical analysts at Barclays Capital. The discount for buying Brent contracts for delivery in December 2009 compared with December 2010 increased today to the most in more than two months. The spread, expressed as a negative number when the market is in contago, is now beneath a trend line connecting the low points during 2009. That may trigger further selling of Brent futures, analysts at the investment bank of Barclays Plc said yesterday in a report.....Complete Story
Brent Crude Oil,
technical analyst
Friday, February 6, 2009
Crude Oil Industry Headline News For Friday
"Venezuela Oil Workers Pressure Rig Companies As Woes Mount"
Oil workers aligned with the government of President Hugo Chavez are pressuring rig companies to continue drilling, despite the state's failure to pay for those services at a time of rock-bottom oil prices....Complete Story
"Surge in US Crude Stocks Blunts OPEC Cuts"
Despite OPEC's cut of 1.3 million barrels a day in January, the growing supply glut is a serious setback to the cartel's efforts to curb the crude oil contango....Complete Story
"Crude Oil Falls as U.S. Unemployment Rate Surges, Signaling Lower Demand"
Crude oil fell to a two week low after unemployment in the U.S. climbed in January to the highest level since 1992, signaling that the recession in the world’s biggest energy consuming country is deepening....Complete Story
"Korea National Oil, Ecopetrol Acquire Peru's Petro Tech for $900 Million"
Korea National Oil Corp. and Ecopetrol SA bought Petro-Tech Peruana SA of Peru for $900 million to increase production as falling crude prices reduce the cost of acquiring commodity assets....Complete Story
Oil workers aligned with the government of President Hugo Chavez are pressuring rig companies to continue drilling, despite the state's failure to pay for those services at a time of rock-bottom oil prices....Complete Story
"Surge in US Crude Stocks Blunts OPEC Cuts"
Despite OPEC's cut of 1.3 million barrels a day in January, the growing supply glut is a serious setback to the cartel's efforts to curb the crude oil contango....Complete Story
"Crude Oil Falls as U.S. Unemployment Rate Surges, Signaling Lower Demand"
Crude oil fell to a two week low after unemployment in the U.S. climbed in January to the highest level since 1992, signaling that the recession in the world’s biggest energy consuming country is deepening....Complete Story
"Korea National Oil, Ecopetrol Acquire Peru's Petro Tech for $900 Million"
Korea National Oil Corp. and Ecopetrol SA bought Petro-Tech Peruana SA of Peru for $900 million to increase production as falling crude prices reduce the cost of acquiring commodity assets....Complete Story
Crude Oil,
Hugo Chavez,
Korea National Oil Corp.,
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