Have you noticed we’re getting a lot of brutally sharp reversals in the markets lately? It’s so frustrating because most traders get caught on the wrong side over and over again. So called safe trend trades get destroyed while betting on bold reversals is working like clockwork.
What’s going on?
For years, it was possible to just buy any dip in stocks and crank out winner after winner. But those days are long gone. If you try that now, you’ll burn through your account in the blink of an eye. These days’ trends reverse on a dime, but at the same time, you can’t just blindly pick tops and bottoms either.
Anyone who was short stocks recently learned that lesson the hard way when the market rocketed to new all time highs. The bottom line is that those outdated strategies no longer work. If you want to generate consistent profits in these volatile conditions, you’ve got to adapt. And that’s why this short video by renowned trader John F. Carter is so exciting
You’ve just got to see the breakthrough strategy that allows him to catch massive price swings without breaking a sweat.
See for yourself >>> Click HERE to Watch <<<
If you haven’t heard of John before, he’s a best selling author and trader with over 25 years’ experience. He’s developed a world wide reputation for catching explosive trends in stocks, options, and even futures, too.
So I hope you attend on September 6th, 2016 at 7:00 PM Central for a special webinar called, “Hunting for Tops and Bottoms - Low Risk Setups for Trading Precise Turning Points in Any Market”.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn....
* A simple 3 step process to identify major market turning points in any market
* How to find low risk, high probability trades in today's volatile market conditions
* Why it’s finally possible to catch tops and bottoms in real time on almost any chart
* Why these ‘Bold and Beautiful’ reversal trades can be safer than ‘comfortable’ trades
* How to avoid getting suckered into the costly traps that most traders fall into
* How to adapt your trades automatically for choppy conditions and big trends
* How to know when a support or resistance level is likely to hold or not
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
I’m looking forward to this special event and I expect I’ll be taking a lot of notes, too. There may not be a replay and this event will almost certainly fill to capacity – so register now and be sure to show up a few minutes early. Unless you’ve already mastered trading these volatile swings, this could be the most important training you attend this year.
To claim your spot just Click HERE
See you next Tuesday,
Ray @ the Crude Oil Trader
P.S. If you have not downloaded John's free eBook do it asap....Just Click Here
Trade ideas, analysis and low risk set ups for commodities, Bitcoin, gold, silver, coffee, the indexes, options and your retirement. We'll help you keep your emotions out of your trading.
Showing posts with label expiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label expiration. Show all posts
Monday, August 29, 2016
Finally, a Low Risk Way to Catch Tops and Bottoms
John Carter,
Simpler Options,
Monday, August 24, 2015
Protection Against this Weeks Correction Was Just One Click Away
This market correction is not over so this is a perfect time to download John's latest version of his free eBook. And it's great timing since we have been telling our readers that we are partnering with John on another great event in September and you really need to be familiar with John's trading methods to fully take advantage of what we will be doing in the next few weeks.
In this free options trading eBook you will learn.....
* How to use leverage to grow your account exponentially or free up excess capital
* How to create protection for each one of your positions
* What the options basics are so you’re never confused by an options chain again
* The essentials to managing your position at expiration
* The two different types of settlement
* The key options terms you need to know
* The most important factor to your options trading success
......and much much more
It's crunch time, download the eBook here and get ready to benefit during these volatile times.
See you in the markets!
Ray @ the Crude Oil Trader
Get our latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!
John Carter,
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Understanding Options.....Easier Then You Think
If you have not taken the time to do this, do it asap while it's still available. You know our trading partner John Carter from his wildly popular free trading webinars and John has found yet another way to make learning to trade options in any size account even easier. With his latest FREE eBook.
The options trading eBook "Understanding Options"
In this free options trading eBook you will learn.....
* How to use leverage to grow your account exponentially or free up excess capital
* What the options basics are so you’re never confused by an options chain again
* The essentials to managing your position at expiration
* The two different types of settlement
* The key options terms you need to know
* The most important factor to your options trading success
......and much more
To get this FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!
The options trading eBook "Understanding Options"
In this free options trading eBook you will learn.....
* How to use leverage to grow your account exponentially or free up excess capital
* What the options basics are so you’re never confused by an options chain again
* The essentials to managing your position at expiration
* The two different types of settlement
* The key options terms you need to know
* The most important factor to your options trading success
......and much more
To get this FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!
John Carter,
Simpler Options,
Saturday, August 30, 2014
"Understanding Options".....John Carters New Free Options Trading eBook
You know our trading partner John Carter from his wildly popular free trading webinars. Well, John has found another way to make learning to trade options in any size account even easier. With a brand new free eBook. The options trading eBook "Understanding Options".
In this free options trading eBook you will learn.....
* How to use leverage to grow your account exponentially or free up excess capital
* What the options basics are so you’re never confused by an options chain again
* The essentials to managing your position at expiration
* The two different types of settlement
* The key options terms you need to know
* The most important factor to your options trading success
......and much more
Just Click Here to get your free eBook "Understanding Options"
In this free options trading eBook you will learn.....
* How to use leverage to grow your account exponentially or free up excess capital
* What the options basics are so you’re never confused by an options chain again
* The essentials to managing your position at expiration
* The two different types of settlement
* The key options terms you need to know
* The most important factor to your options trading success
......and much more
Just Click Here to get your free eBook "Understanding Options"
John Carter,
Simpler Options,
Friday, July 19, 2013
18.23% Return Produced During July Option Expiration Cycle
As we move through the July monthly option expiration which will
occur on July 19, 2013 at the close of business we can look back at the
expiration cycle that was. The end of the June monthly option expiration
nearly marked the recent market lows. Since the beginning of the July
expiration cycle we have seen the S&P 500 Index charge higher.
The recent performance in the Options Trading Signals portfolio has charged higher as well. There were 4 trades that were closed during the July expiration cycle. The 4 trades that were closed had a total gross gain of $169 per spread. The total risk assumed in the 4 closed trades was $927. Thus, the four trades produced a gross return on maximum risk of 18.23%.
A trader that risked roughly $2,500 per spread would have had a gross gain of $1,951 for the month of July. The table below demonstrates the trades that were closed during this expiration cycle.

In full disclosure, there were three trades that were rolled forward as price action did not accommodate trade expectations. However, the overall results of the OTS Portfolio since the beginning of the June expiration cycle have been outstanding. The full trade performance is shown below based on actual trading results from the portfolio.

Since the beginning of the June monthly option expiration cycle, the Portfolio has closed 15 total trades. In that time frame only 1 trade has produced a loss and that trade essentially was breakeven overall. The total recent trading results speak for themselves.
Since inception, the OTS Portfolio has taken 171 trades publicly that have been opened and closed. Of the 171 trades executed, 125 trades have produced gains. This equates to over a 73% success rate for all trades that have been opened and closed for the OTS Portfolio since late 2010. It is not a coincidence that the typical probability of success that I focus on for the service is between 60% – 80% probability at the time of trade entry.
Overall, the OTS Portfolio continues to generate strong trading returns while providing members with an opportunity to look over a professional trader’s shoulder to watch how trades are evaluated and when they are taken and why.
The OTS portfolio strategy is focused on a mathematical approach to trading options that gives traders a probability based edge. No more red and green arrows, no more charts with 500 indicators, and no more confusion. The system used is simple and has proven that strong trading results are possible when simple discipline is applied.
If you are looking for a mathematical and statistical based approach to trading, Options Trading Signals service may be a perfect fit to improve your option trading results.
Click here to give Options Trading Signals service a try today!
The recent performance in the Options Trading Signals portfolio has charged higher as well. There were 4 trades that were closed during the July expiration cycle. The 4 trades that were closed had a total gross gain of $169 per spread. The total risk assumed in the 4 closed trades was $927. Thus, the four trades produced a gross return on maximum risk of 18.23%.
A trader that risked roughly $2,500 per spread would have had a gross gain of $1,951 for the month of July. The table below demonstrates the trades that were closed during this expiration cycle.
In full disclosure, there were three trades that were rolled forward as price action did not accommodate trade expectations. However, the overall results of the OTS Portfolio since the beginning of the June expiration cycle have been outstanding. The full trade performance is shown below based on actual trading results from the portfolio.
Since the beginning of the June monthly option expiration cycle, the Portfolio has closed 15 total trades. In that time frame only 1 trade has produced a loss and that trade essentially was breakeven overall. The total recent trading results speak for themselves.
Since inception, the OTS Portfolio has taken 171 trades publicly that have been opened and closed. Of the 171 trades executed, 125 trades have produced gains. This equates to over a 73% success rate for all trades that have been opened and closed for the OTS Portfolio since late 2010. It is not a coincidence that the typical probability of success that I focus on for the service is between 60% – 80% probability at the time of trade entry.
Overall, the OTS Portfolio continues to generate strong trading returns while providing members with an opportunity to look over a professional trader’s shoulder to watch how trades are evaluated and when they are taken and why.
The OTS portfolio strategy is focused on a mathematical approach to trading options that gives traders a probability based edge. No more red and green arrows, no more charts with 500 indicators, and no more confusion. The system used is simple and has proven that strong trading results are possible when simple discipline is applied.
If you are looking for a mathematical and statistical based approach to trading, Options Trading Signals service may be a perfect fit to improve your option trading results.
Click here to give Options Trading Signals service a try today!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
OTS Profits Through the Market Correction
During the recent carnage our friends at Options Trading Signals managed to lock in 16.80%, 32.20%, & 41.49% returns. Let's see how J.W. Jones and the staff at OTS can help us do the same......
As we move into Quarter end, many investors and traders suffered a sizable drawdown in mid to late June. However, members of Options Trading Signals closed 3 trades during the selling carnage for huge overall gains.
As a professional trader, a focus on implied volatility, probability of success, and a typically contrarian market view have served members well since the inception of the service back in December of 2010. A summarized description of recent action in the OTS Portfolio is described below.
On June 13th the OTS Portfolio took a Put Debit Spread on VXX. The reasoning behind the trade was the expectation that volatility would decline going into triple witching on Friday’s expiration. As expected, volatility contracted and on June 19th the VXX position was closed for a gross gain per spread of $21. The maximum risk per spread was $125 so the trade produced a gross gain of around 16.80%.
Entire article > "During Recent Market Carnage, OTS Locked in 16.80%, 32.20%, & 41.49% Returns"
Enroll now for our “Spread Trading Strategies for Growing a Small Account” class this Saturday, June 29th from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
As we move into Quarter end, many investors and traders suffered a sizable drawdown in mid to late June. However, members of Options Trading Signals closed 3 trades during the selling carnage for huge overall gains.
As a professional trader, a focus on implied volatility, probability of success, and a typically contrarian market view have served members well since the inception of the service back in December of 2010. A summarized description of recent action in the OTS Portfolio is described below.
On June 13th the OTS Portfolio took a Put Debit Spread on VXX. The reasoning behind the trade was the expectation that volatility would decline going into triple witching on Friday’s expiration. As expected, volatility contracted and on June 19th the VXX position was closed for a gross gain per spread of $21. The maximum risk per spread was $125 so the trade produced a gross gain of around 16.80%.
Entire article > "During Recent Market Carnage, OTS Locked in 16.80%, 32.20%, & 41.49% Returns"
Enroll now for our “Spread Trading Strategies for Growing a Small Account” class this Saturday, June 29th from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
J.W. Jones,
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Exiting an Option Position
From guest blogger Todd Mitchell.......
Once you own options, there are three methods that can be used to make a profit or avoid loss: exercise them, offset them with other options, or let them expire worthless. By exercising what you have purchased, you are choosing to take delivery of (call) or to sell (put) the underlying asset at the option’s strike price. Only buyers have the choice to exercise an option. Sellers, on the other hand, may experience having an option assigned to a holder and subsequently exercised.
Check out Todds latest program "How to Risk Less When You Trade"
Offsetting is a method of reversing the original transaction to exit the trade. If you bought a call, you have to sell the call with the same strike price and expiration. If you sold a call, you have to buy a call with the same strike price and expiration. If you bought a put, you have to sell a put with the same strike price and expiration. If you sold a put you have to buy a put with the same strike price and expiration. If you do not offset your position, then you have not officially exited the trade.
If an option has not been offset or exercised by expiration, it expires worthless. If you originally sold an option, then you want it to expire worthless because then you get to keep the credit you received from the premium. Since a seller wants options to expire worthless, the passage of time is a seller’s friend and a buyer’s enemy. If you bought, the premium is nonrefundable even if you let the it expire worthless. As it gets closer to expiration, it decreases in value.
It is Important to note that most options traded on u.s. exchanges are American style. In essence, they differ from European options in one main way. American style options can be exercised at any time up until expiration. In contrast, European style options can be exercised only on the day they expire. All the options of one type (put or call) which have the same underlying security are called a class of options. For example, all the calls on ibm constitute a class. All the options that are in one class and have the same strike price are called a series. For example, all ibm calls with a strike price of 130 (and various expiration dates) constitute a series.
Check out Todds latest program "How to Risk Less When You Trade"
Crude Oil,
Todd Mitchell
Monday, October 11, 2010
Bigger Gains, Less Time. Tap Into the Potential of Weekly Options
From Price Headley's "Potential of Weekly Options Series".....
Traders spoke, and the exchanges listened. And, if the growing popularity of the new weekly expiration options is any indication, these shorter term puts and calls will soon join their monthly expiration counterparts as mainstream trading instruments.
Just as the name implies, the newest innovation in option trading are derivatives that are issued on Thursdays, and then expire the following Friday six trading days later.
But why bother with short duration instruments when the traditional monthly expiries have been working fine for all these years? There are actually quite a few advantages these instruments boast that simply can't be said for the alternatives. Consider this: Weekly options inherently offer a greater Delta. That just means each of them are more responsive to changes in the underlying security's price during their lifespan than monthly options are.
Weekly options don't suffer from a high theta
In other words, time decay isn't a major impediment for weekly options. Since they're so short in duration, there's no excess time value (or premium) baked into the price. As a result, weekly options tend to cost less.
While those two details are the favorable technicalities, the overarching attraction to these new short term derivatives is not only bigger picture, but much more important than the high delta and low theta.... weekly options are amazingly flexible.
Learn specific techniques and strategies for trading Weekly Options
Free Weekly Options Training Kit - Click Here!
One of the more challenging drawbacks of trading traditional options has been the misalignment of a traders timeframe and the options lifespan.
For example, a trades sweet spot may end up spanning the last week of one month and the first week of the next month. However, since monthly options expire right before that sweet spot has occurred (and are issued several weeks before that period), a trader may be forced to choose an option, expiration, or strike price that doesn't fully maximize a trades potential.
Said another way, a lack of choices of when an options life begins and ends means the trade's theta and delta aren't ideal, leaving money on the table.
Weekly options, conversely, are new every week, so a trader can pick and choose to step into a trend that's moving at the time. Or, he or she can choose to pass on a trade that's stagnant at the time. And what happens when the underlying stock or index starts to move again? No problem, just step in again with the next weekly issue. There's no need to waste time and tie up capital by holding an option during the underlying security's dead periods.
And what sorts of securities or indices currently offer these weekly options. All the usual suspects in terms of indices are available. Major indices like the S&P 500, and weekly options for some of the major sector ETFs are on the table as well. A few of the most highly-traded stocks are in the fray too. Since these are issued on a revolving basis at the discretion of the exchanges though (largely depending on demand), you never know which stock you may be able to play this way in the future. [Indeed, many traders have used them as a way to leverage a position for purely a one-time event, like an earnings announcement.]
While the advantages of trading weekly options are clear, a new set of trading mindsets and rules also apply:
Get your short term charts and ebb/flow predictions ready. One of the primary reasons equity and index options exist in their traditional time frames, with a lifespan of months if not more than a year, is to offer an active investor a way to leverage his or her capital, while allowing that same trader to ride out rough patches on the way to the end goal. Weekly options, on the other hand, are a short-term chartists dream. The key question is, where will this stock/index be in a week (or less)?
Use the market tide to your advantage. In the same vein is think short term, traders should tap the markets near term tidal forces since 3 out of 4 stocks tend to move in tandem with the markets strong moves. Yes, given enough time, the best individual stock trends can defy the market's ebb and low. The whole point here is speed though, which means calling the market right at any given time is half the battle (whether you?re trading stock or index options).
Keep the original intent in mind. It's contrary to most everything we?ve been taught as investors, but the whole point of weekly options is to reap the benefit from a short term move, get in and out accordingly. Some traders are using them to profit from news announcements (like earnings). Others are just using them to hedge a position through a certain timeframe. Don't be afraid to cut loose once your reasonable objective has been met.
The proliferation of weekly option trading is sure to be a beneficial one for traders. Like any other trading arena though, it's the mastery of the nuances more than the mechanics that will be the key to your success.
Looking for More strategies on Weekly Options?
Learn how to make more trading Weekly Options - Click Here!
Traders spoke, and the exchanges listened. And, if the growing popularity of the new weekly expiration options is any indication, these shorter term puts and calls will soon join their monthly expiration counterparts as mainstream trading instruments.
Just as the name implies, the newest innovation in option trading are derivatives that are issued on Thursdays, and then expire the following Friday six trading days later.
But why bother with short duration instruments when the traditional monthly expiries have been working fine for all these years? There are actually quite a few advantages these instruments boast that simply can't be said for the alternatives. Consider this: Weekly options inherently offer a greater Delta. That just means each of them are more responsive to changes in the underlying security's price during their lifespan than monthly options are.
Weekly options don't suffer from a high theta
In other words, time decay isn't a major impediment for weekly options. Since they're so short in duration, there's no excess time value (or premium) baked into the price. As a result, weekly options tend to cost less.
While those two details are the favorable technicalities, the overarching attraction to these new short term derivatives is not only bigger picture, but much more important than the high delta and low theta.... weekly options are amazingly flexible.
Learn specific techniques and strategies for trading Weekly Options
Free Weekly Options Training Kit - Click Here!
One of the more challenging drawbacks of trading traditional options has been the misalignment of a traders timeframe and the options lifespan.
For example, a trades sweet spot may end up spanning the last week of one month and the first week of the next month. However, since monthly options expire right before that sweet spot has occurred (and are issued several weeks before that period), a trader may be forced to choose an option, expiration, or strike price that doesn't fully maximize a trades potential.
Said another way, a lack of choices of when an options life begins and ends means the trade's theta and delta aren't ideal, leaving money on the table.
Weekly options, conversely, are new every week, so a trader can pick and choose to step into a trend that's moving at the time. Or, he or she can choose to pass on a trade that's stagnant at the time. And what happens when the underlying stock or index starts to move again? No problem, just step in again with the next weekly issue. There's no need to waste time and tie up capital by holding an option during the underlying security's dead periods.
And what sorts of securities or indices currently offer these weekly options. All the usual suspects in terms of indices are available. Major indices like the S&P 500, and weekly options for some of the major sector ETFs are on the table as well. A few of the most highly-traded stocks are in the fray too. Since these are issued on a revolving basis at the discretion of the exchanges though (largely depending on demand), you never know which stock you may be able to play this way in the future. [Indeed, many traders have used them as a way to leverage a position for purely a one-time event, like an earnings announcement.]
While the advantages of trading weekly options are clear, a new set of trading mindsets and rules also apply:
Get your short term charts and ebb/flow predictions ready. One of the primary reasons equity and index options exist in their traditional time frames, with a lifespan of months if not more than a year, is to offer an active investor a way to leverage his or her capital, while allowing that same trader to ride out rough patches on the way to the end goal. Weekly options, on the other hand, are a short-term chartists dream. The key question is, where will this stock/index be in a week (or less)?
Use the market tide to your advantage. In the same vein is think short term, traders should tap the markets near term tidal forces since 3 out of 4 stocks tend to move in tandem with the markets strong moves. Yes, given enough time, the best individual stock trends can defy the market's ebb and low. The whole point here is speed though, which means calling the market right at any given time is half the battle (whether you?re trading stock or index options).
Keep the original intent in mind. It's contrary to most everything we?ve been taught as investors, but the whole point of weekly options is to reap the benefit from a short term move, get in and out accordingly. Some traders are using them to profit from news announcements (like earnings). Others are just using them to hedge a position through a certain timeframe. Don't be afraid to cut loose once your reasonable objective has been met.
The proliferation of weekly option trading is sure to be a beneficial one for traders. Like any other trading arena though, it's the mastery of the nuances more than the mechanics that will be the key to your success.
Looking for More strategies on Weekly Options?
Learn how to make more trading Weekly Options - Click Here!
Price Headley
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