Showing posts with label webinar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label webinar. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Free Webinar: Your Second Chance for the Marijuana Boom in 2018

Our trading partner legendary speculator Doug Casey invites you to take part in the FREE "Pot Stock Millionaire Webinar". This free Summit will guide us through how we can take advantage of the coming second marijuana boom.

Doug is up $1 million dollars with just ONE tiny pot stock, a 1,900% gain. And now Doug and his team have found 5 new pot stocks that will brings us those same profits.

Space is limited so Reserve Your Seat Right Here, Right Now

The Pot Stock Millionaire Summit with Doug Casey, Nick Giambruno and Justin Spittler takes place Thursday, April 26th at 8 p.m. Eastern Time. Since this is hosted on a private website you must pre register and details for access will be emailed to you.

And the cost to you? Zero....It's all FREE!

If you missed out on the first wave of marijuana investing don't miss your second chance to become a Pot Stock Millionaire in the Marijuana Bull Market of 2018. The 2018 boom is expected to be 8 times bigger than the first.

During this free Webinar we'll learn....
  •   How famed speculator Doug Casey became a marijuana millionaire with one penny pot stock
  • Why the 2018 marijuana boom will be 8 times bigger than the first… when pot stocks averaged peak gains of 24,000%
  • The only two ways to play the marijuana bull market in 2018 for the chance to turn a few hundred dollars into a million or more
  • And 5 marijuana stocks that are set to return 500% each
And this is just a small sample of the exclusive information that Doug and the team will share during this event.

FREE ACCESS to our April 26th event: Doug Casey, Nick Giambruno and Justin Spittler will reveal why the marijuana boom is just starting right now. And how 2018 will be the year of marijuana millionaires for those who get into tiny, little known pot stocks today.

Plus, you’ll discover why some of the best profit opportunities in marijuana have nothing to do with growing or producing the plant. Instead, Doug and the team will share the most promising “pick and shovel” plays. These are companies on their way to becoming the next “Home Depot of Pot” and “Amazon of Weed.”

And Doug Casey will break down how he became a marijuana millionaire with a penny pot stock and why he sees bigger opportunities in today’s marijuana boom for those who get in now.

Access to a brand new video training series: Released for the first time exclusively for this event, these 3 trainings will show you:

  • Why everyone who thinks the biggest gains in marijuana have already been made are dead wrong. We’re actually at the very start of the biggest marijuana mania in history.
  • Why you don’t need to know anything about marijuana or investing for the chance to become a marijuana millionaire in today’s bull market.
  • How marijuana stocks are delivering similar gains to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies… but are much safer and easier to buy. And we’re actually in an earlier stage of the marijuana boom than we are in Bitcoin.
  • Why regardless what the federal government does, marijuana legalization is a runaway train and the best opportunity today to turn a couple of hundred dollars into a fortune.
And much, much more…

You’ll be able to watch these short, information packed videos right on your computer or phone.

PLUS… you’ll be able to download the transcripts directly to your computer, print them out and read them at your leisure.

During the first marijuana mania, the best pot stocks averaged peak gains of 24,000%. And that was with just two states (Washington and Colorado) legalizing recreational pot. Now that it’s legal in California, and Canada is set to go recreational this June, we’ll see the biggest marijuana profits in history from this bull market.

You’ll get all the details in our training and Summit.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Forget the Needle, Trade the Haystack

2017 is just about done and it's time to look at what worked and what didn’t. If you have gains, you want to protect them. If you have losses, you want to turn things around. With over 10,000 stocks to choose from, sometimes trading can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

But you don’t have to try to pick the right stock in the ‘haystack’. With Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), you can just buy the whole haystack, especially when you’re taking advantage of ETF options.

To show you the right way to take advantage of ETF options, our friend John Carter, CEO of Simpler Trading, is putting on a live FREE interactive webinar just for our readers.

Register Here

If you haven’t heard of John before, he’s traded for over 25 years. He’s not only written a bestselling book on trading [check out Mastering the Trade right here], he’s also earned quite a reputation for catching huge moves.

2017 over $600 billion was poured into ETFs and John sees an even bigger year ahead in 2018. That’s why he’s so focused on his ETF options strategy. You can hedge against your portfolio while limiting your risk. You can even profit from your hedge.

John covers all that, plus:

  *   Why ETFs have powerful advantages even the newest of traders can exploit

  *   When to go for maximum leverage using double and TRIPLE leverage ETF options

  *   How ETF traders can cherry pick sectors to always ‘follow the big money’

  *   How to properly hedge against corrections and crashes without erasing gains

  *   How to take full advantage of the new Bitcoin ETF when it arrives

  *   The latest tools for identifying setups with the potential for triple digit gains (or more)

And a whole lot more.…

When it comes to ETF strategies, the opportunities are vast, There’s something for just about every trading style, from day trading to long term positions, and of course, hedging your portfolio. We got John to break it down for you and make it as simple as possible to maximize your profit potential through ETF options.

If you’re interested, go ahead and grab a spot for this training.

Go HERE to Register

See you Tuesday night!

Simpler Trading

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Iron Rule of the Financial Markets

This math formula that can literally predict the market:    dxt=θ(μ−xt)dt+σdWt

John Bogle the founder of The Vanguard Group, calls it the iron rule of the financial markets. Jason Zweig from the Wall Street Journal says it’s the most powerful law in finance.

Legendary trader James O'Shaughnessy says that historically, we have always seen it driving stocks. And over the last 8 years it could have paid you well in consistent reliable profits.

Now I’m Going To Show You How It Works ← Click Here

If you trade it with options it could produce rapid two week individual trade profits like....

  *  204% on XLU Put Options

  *  124% on XLE Call Options

  *  And even as much as 998% on XLE Put Options

  *  All in precisely two weeks - no more, no less.

Get The Facts ← Click Here

My trading partner Todd Mitchell has recorded a three video series explaining how it works. He’s making it available to you now - 100% for FREE.

This series will only be available for a very limited time. If you want to watch…

Visit Here to Check it Out Right Now

See you in the Markets!
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

Monday, October 2, 2017

Engineering Regular Income and Profits from Your Trading

Today's article is from my trading partner, Brian McAboy of Inside Out Trading.  Brian is a retired engineer and has a rather unconventional yet very effective approach to helping people become successful traders.  He's been helping traders for over 11 years, so he's been around long enough to know what works and what doesn't.

Take just a minute for this.  You'll be glad you did.

There are two very specific success traits that pertain to you and your trading. The first one is absolutely necessary for you to give yourself a reasonable chance of making it. And the second one is to keep you from wasting tons of time, money and psychological capital

Now as you know, trading is not a "get rich quick" kind of activity. This is NOT a place where anyone off the street can stroll in, grab a system, start throwing money at the markets and live happily ever after. Just doesn't work like that

Trading IS a true profession, a skill based occupation, and not a place for the squeamish or weak of heart. So for a person to expect to be "living the lifestyle" overnight is just not realistic. But the question then becomes, "How long should it realistically take?"

Too many traders let things go way too long in a less than satisfactory state

They simply let time to continue to pass, doing things generally the same way they have been for months on end, with the same disappointing results, well beyond what is really a reasonable time to allow

You see, there are generally two aspects of patience when it comes to trading:
  1. You have to be patient enough for things happen, for your trading to develop and mature.
  2. The other side of patience is knowing when you've reached a point where it's pretty obvious that your current approach just isn't working and it's time to stop, reassess, and change course.
"How long should it take?" is a common question, and the real answer is that you can get to the point of real, business like, reliable consistent profits in 3 to 6 months, a year at the outside

If it's taking YEARS, then something is wrong and you're really just spinning your wheels, wasting time and money and cheating yourself out of the success that you should be enjoying. There is also a huge personal cost to letting things take longer than they should

One trader expressed this very well,
"I've been trading futures for about 9 years now with inconsistent results.  I've made the usual mistakes, buying too many courses, focusing on the results not the process and being too impatient to trade to wait for valid setups. 

After listening to your video this weekend where you make the distinction between being patient in the beginning and giving yourself time, and beyond a certain point (3 - 6months) considering that it may be time to be impatient about your progress, this made me realize I've been allowing myself to coast for far too long, and that's impacted my confidence and the belief that I can turn trading into a business with a consistent return." 
Complacency, NOT being impatient when it's time to, is one of the biggest cost centers many traders have

There's the financial cost of missed profits and unnecessary losses, plus the opportunity costs of not enjoying the fruits of your time being spent on other matters of course, but she noted the personal, psychological cost as well

The thing is, you chose trading so that you could have freedom, financial and time freedom, not a J-O-B. You wanted trading to be a truly enjoyable activity that generates income and wealth and provides security and peace of mind

If you've been trading for more than a year, and your trading is not where you want it to be, nor is it really even close, and looking at the trajectory that you're now on, it doesn't look like you're going to get there anytime soon, then perhaps it's time to consider a different approach. That's why I suggest that you check out the training masterclass I created for you

Here are the details on the masterclass,

 "Rewrite Your Trading Story"

How to become a confident, consistent and profitable trader in 60 days or less even if you've never had a profitable month.

Here's what you will discover....
  • The "Little 3" and the "Big 3" and Why the Wrong Focus Will Have You Chasing Profits Forever
  • "The Gap" and How It Keeps Traders Jumping From One System to the Next, Without Ever Realizing The 'Easy Consistent Profits' Promised by the System Sellers
  • One Specific 'Hidden' Lie Traders Tell Themselves That Continually Drains Your Time, Capital and Confidence
  • Why Self Sabotage Goes On For YEARS For Most Traders, And How To Permanently Eliminate It From Your Trading
  • The Four Stage Process To Make YOUR Trading Profitable And Predictable
Click Here to Register and Move the Needle in Your Trading

See you in the markets!
Brian McAboy
Trading Business Coach

Friday, August 18, 2017

How to Precisely Time Black Swan ‘Implosions’ Between August and October

Maybe you were lucky enough to get a seat at this weeks free webinar with our trading partner John Carter of Simpler Trading. If you didn't we have good news. John has agreed to come back with another one this upcoming Thursday August 24th to make sure everybody gets a chance to see this.

In this special free training John will show us how he predicts big moves in the market with his "10X Trade Formula"

If you have attended one of John's free trading webinar you know, they fill up to capacity and they fill up fast. So we are putting the word out early so our readers can make sure they get a reserved seat and keep it.

It all takes place Thursday August 24th, 2017 at 8:00 pm est [ 5 pm pacific and 7 pm central]

Reserve Your Spot Here

Here's just some of what we will cover....

    *   The Explosive Setup that Bought John a 200 Acre Ranch on ONE 24 Hour TSLA Trade

    *   How to Precisely Time Black Swan ‘Implosions’ Between August and October

    *   How John Caught Some of the Decade’s Biggest Moves (Including the 2008 Crash)

    *   The Smart Way to Exploit the Obscene Profit Potential of Put and Call Options

    *   How to Avoid Heartbreaking Mistakes that Wipe Out Massive Profits

    *   When to Bet Small and When to ‘Load the Boat’ for a Potential Home Run

    *   How to Predict ‘Explosions and Implosions’ with Shocking Accuracy and Limited Risk

Join John Carter for this Special Presentation

Reserve Your Spot Here

BONUS: Those who attend the webinar live will receive a FREE copy of John's popular psychology class, "The Billionaire Mindset." 

Friday, August 4, 2017

How to Turn Dimes into Dollars Catching Volatility Explosions - Next Free Webinar

Our trading partner John Carter of Simpler Trading is back with another one of his ground breaking free webinars. In this special free training John will show us how he predicts big moves in the market with his "10X Trade Formula"

If you have attended one of John's free trading webinar you know, they fill up to capacity and they fill up fast. So we are putting the word out early so our readers can make sure they get a reserved seat and keep it.

It all takes place Thursday August 17th, 2017 at 8:00 pm est [ 5 pm pacific and 7 pm central]

Reserve Your Spot Here

Here's just some of what we will cover....

    *   The Explosive Setup that Bought John a 200 Acre Ranch on ONE 24 Hour TSLA Trade

    *   How to Precisely Time Black Swan ‘Implosions’ Between August and October

    *   How John Caught Some of the Decade’s Biggest Moves (Including the 2008 Crash)

    *   The Smart Way to Exploit the Obscene Profit Potential of Put and Call Options

    *   How to Avoid Heartbreaking Mistakes that Wipe Out Massive Profits

    *   When to Bet Small and When to ‘Load the Boat’ for a Potential Home Run

    *   How to Predict ‘Explosions and Implosions’ with Shocking Accuracy and Limited Risk

Join John Carter for this Special Presentation

Reserve Your Spot Here

BONUS: Those who attend the webinar live will receive a FREE copy of John's popular psychology class, "The Billionaire Mindset." 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Free Webinar: Mysterious “Growth Windows” in Coca Cola, Corn Futures, British Pound & More

Growth Window Anomaly 
Our trading partners at Trademiner Elite are back with another great free webinar. These events fill fast and to capacity every time they offer one so don't delay in getting your reserved seat.

In this training you'll discover.....

  • A set of mysterious price patterns that’ve been repeating - every year - in major stocks,commodity futures AND forex pairs
  • Why Williams Companies (WMB) has been up 9% on average between March 23rd and April 27th - every year since 2006
  • Why Coca Cola (KO) has been up an average of 3% over the same mysterious 14 day window dating back to 2007
  • Why Deere & Company (DE) has been up 9% on average over its 35 day “growth window” for the last 14 years
  • The secret to identifying and trading these hidden patterns - with the convenience of a simply Google search

Spots On These Webinar Events Are Strictly Limited

With the quality of the information we’re giving out - there’s a good chance it will fill up. Please register now while there are still spots available. You'll have three times and days to choose from....Pick from one of the following!

Tuesday April 25th 2017 at 2:45 pm
Wednesday April 26th 2017 at 3:00 pm
Thursday April 27th 2017 at 3:00 pm

Visit Here to Register Today!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

John Carter's Next Free Webinar "Rapid Account Growth Strategies for 2017"

Our trading partner John Carter of Simpler Options is back with another one of his wildly popular free webinars. John is absolutely killing it again in 2017 and he has put together a 90 day trading plan to share with us.

He is calling this free webinar "How I Almost Doubled My Account in Less than 60 Days".

Claim Your Spot Here 

Limited seats are available and as always this one will fill up fast so get your reserved spot now. This is free training on the rapid account growth strategies that are working right now, not in 2015 or 2016....right now!

So please join us Tuesday, March 21st @ 7:00 pm central time

Here's just some of what he will cover:

  *  John F. Carter will reveal his new 90 day trading plan that will take us into the 2nd quarter of 2017

  *  With the market at all time highs John shows us how to adapt to conditions most traders haven’t seen in years

  *   John will show us how he grew his account by 82% between January and February, 2017.

  *  We'll find out what’s working now because outdated strategies could be dead wrong in current conditions.

 Just Click Here to get your seat now and we'll see you Tuesday March 21st

See you there!

Ray @ The Crude Oil Trader

Monday, December 5, 2016

How to Use the New Market Manipulation to Your Advantage

It's time for another one of Don Kaufman's wildly popular webinars. Don’t miss this live online seminar, How to Use the New Market Manipulation to Your Advantage, with Don Kaufman this Tuesday December 6th. at 8:00 PM New York, 7:00 PM Central or 5:00 PM Pacific.

During this free webinar you will learn:
  • How scarcely used recent additions in market structure have forever changed how we view price movement and volatility.
  • What weekly strategy you can use to take minimal risk and produce astonishing returns surrounding predictable or manipulated movements in any stock, ETF, or index.
  • The one product that has become statistically significant in determining the next market move so whether you're a long term investor, swing trader, or intra-day trader you can get tuned into what's driving today's marketplace.
  • How you can use market efficiency to your advantage in all aspects of your investments, retirement accounts, stock and options trading accounts, futures trading and more.
  • How you can trade up to several times per week without having to continually monitor your positions, "set it and forget it" with this low risk high reward trade.
      Don's Webinars have an attendance limit that we always hit. This one will be no exception.

      Visit Here to Register Now!

      See you Tuesday night!
      Ray C. Parrish
      aka the Crude Oil Trader

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Webinar Replay...Low Risk Setups For Trading Precise Turning Points in Any Market

On September 6th John Carter of Simpler Options treated us to a special online training webinar. We discovered low risk option strategies for catching "bold and beautiful" reversal trades. John also showed us how to hunt for tops and bottoms using low risk setups for trading precise turning points in any market and so much more.

Watch the FREE Replay Here

Most traders have no idea how to capture the massive profit potential from trading major reversals. These days’ markets often turn on a dime and those who wait for ‘conservative’ setups either miss out or suffer steep losses.

Here's what you can expect to learn during this webinar session....

  *  A simple 3-step process to identify major market turning points in any market

  *  How to find low risk, high probability trades in today's volatile market conditions

  *  Why it’s finally possible to catch tops and bottoms in real time on almost any chart

  *  Why these ‘Bold and Beautiful’ reversal trades can be safer than ‘comfortable’ trades

  *  How to avoid getting suckered into the costly traps that most traders fall into

  *  How to adapt your trades automatically for choppy conditions AND big trends

  *  How to know when a support or resistance level is likely to hold or not

       Watch the FREE replay Right Here

       See you in the markets,
       Ray Parrish
       aka the Crude Oil Trader

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Finally, a Low Risk Way to Catch Tops and Bottoms

Have you noticed we’re getting a lot of brutally sharp reversals in the markets lately? It’s so frustrating because most traders get caught on the wrong side over and over again. So called safe trend trades get destroyed while betting on bold reversals is working like clockwork.

What’s going on?

For years, it was possible to just buy any dip in stocks and crank out winner after winner. But those days are long gone. If you try that now, you’ll burn through your account in the blink of an eye. These days’ trends reverse on a dime, but at the same time, you can’t just blindly pick tops and bottoms either.

Anyone who was short stocks recently learned that lesson the hard way when the market rocketed to new all time highs. The bottom line is that those outdated strategies no longer work. If you want to generate consistent profits in these volatile conditions, you’ve got to adapt. And that’s why this short video by renowned trader John F. Carter is so exciting

You’ve just got to see the breakthrough strategy that allows him to catch massive price swings without breaking a sweat.

See for yourself >>> Click HERE to Watch <<<

If you haven’t heard of John before, he’s a best selling author and trader with over 25 years’ experience. He’s developed a world wide reputation for catching explosive trends in stocks, options, and even futures, too.

So I hope you attend on September 6th, 2016 at 7:00 PM Central for a special webinar called, “Hunting for Tops and Bottoms - Low Risk Setups for Trading Precise Turning Points in Any Market”.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn....

  *  A simple 3 step process to identify major market turning points in any market

  *  How to find low risk, high probability trades in today's volatile market conditions

  *  Why it’s finally possible to catch tops and bottoms in real time on almost any chart

  *  Why these ‘Bold and Beautiful’ reversal trades can be safer than ‘comfortable’ trades

  *  How to avoid getting suckered into the costly traps that most traders fall into

  *  How to adapt your trades automatically for choppy conditions and big trends

  *  How to know when a support or resistance level is likely to hold or not

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I’m looking forward to this special event and I expect I’ll be taking a lot of notes, too. There may not be a replay and this event will almost certainly fill to capacity – so register now and be sure to show up a few minutes early. Unless you’ve already mastered trading these volatile swings, this could be the most important training you attend this year.

To claim your spot just Click HERE

See you next Tuesday,
Ray @ the Crude Oil Trader

P.S.   If you have not downloaded John's free eBook do it asap....Just Click Here

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

John's Short-Term Low-Risk Set Ups for Volatile Markets

Our trading partners at Simpler Options are back with another free webinar. This time it's "Precise Short Term Options Setups for Low Risk Profits in Volatile Markets" hosted by John Carter and Chris Belcher.

As always John and Chris have provided a free video to give you some hints as to what we will be covering....Watch that video now!

It all starts this Tuesday June 7th at 7:00 pm central.

Just visit this link to reserve your seat for this game changing webinar right now since all of these webinars get over subscribed.

Watch Todays Video and Sign Up for the Webinar Right Here

These two highly respected traders (with more than 50 years of combined experience) reveal low risk option strategies designed to catch quick explosive moves in volatile stocks. Get ready to take notes because we’re going to review results from actual live trades executed in real time during current market conditions.

Red Thumb Trades: Stop wasting time (and precious capital) on dud stocks. Discover how to find the right options to trade on the right stocks today.

Precision Exit Strategies: Finally know when to take fast profits intraday and when to let your position turn into a swing trade so you can get maximum gains.

Simple Option Setups: Cut through all the jargon and ‘Greek’ mumbo jumbo and learn how to follow a step by step process to create consistent income trading stock options.

The Ultimate Timing Secret: How to know in advance which stocks are likely to explode (in any time frame) and when to jump in with confidence

Miracle Grow Positions: Simple rapid growth strategies for small accounts. Discover why it’s possible to make a whole lot more money with options than you can with trading stocks. The key is to follow a few precise option setups.

Massive Mistakes Exposed: Learn why most traders will never be consistently profitable and discover how to actually profit from the most common (and costly) mistakes.

The Perfect Storm: Why the current volatile conditions are a trader’s paradise, and key catalysts to watch for in the coming months.

Case Study: Review one of John's live trades on TSLA that brought in $17k in 1 day (along with several other recent real money examples so you can see these setups in action).

As always, make sure you get your reserved seat now while you and make sure you log in early on Tuesday so you don't lose your spot.

Reserve Seat Right Here and Now

See you Tuesday evening,
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Don Kaufman shows us how to "Protect & Profit" in any Market

Today we want to introduce the newest member of our team, Don Kaufman. Don has made quite a mark in the last couple months with the introduction of his new TheoTrade program. Truth is, some of our readers have stated they are getting more from his free videos then some of the more expensive programs they have purchased.

Don will be bringing us a free webinar monthly to keep us on the cutting edge of these extremely volatile markets. Just take advantage of any one of his free items. Getting his free eBook or even just watching his most recent free video will guarantee that you will get notified of the free webinars.

So what's in the "How to Protect & Profit in Any Market" eBook?

This 50 page eBook [visit here for free download] will teach you what you need to know to start playing the markets instead of the markets playing you.

Your Portfolio Deserves More Than a 50/50 Chance 
It has been shown statistically, over the long run, that fundamental and technical analysis is right about 50% of the time. Flipping a coin will give you the same percentage. As the author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Malkiel states, “Technical and Fundamental analysis is a science giving astrology a good name.” Why flip a coin when you can use high probability options strategies?

Diversification is Dead
As a Wall Street saying goes, "When they raid the house they take everyone." Professionals consider diversification as a hedge for people who don’t know how to hedge. Think about it - would you protect the value of your own home against a potential fire by diversifying, that is, buying two houses so if one burns down, the appreciation in the other offsets your loss? Of course not! You insure your home so if it burns down, the insurance covers most of the loss. Welcome to one aspect of using options. Real professionals know how to use options to protect their portfolio from any shock to the markets.

Be The House 
Today, investing in the stock market is a big gamble, almost like going to Vegas and playing the slots. And we all know what happens with slot machines. The House always wins. It may take a loss occasionally, but the overall strategy assures that the House will always come out on top. Options let's you turn the tide and be the house. Find out how you can put the odds in your favor.

Get Don's FREE eBook "The Rebel's Guide to Trading Options"....Just Visit Here!

See you in the markets,
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

About Don Kaufman 
Don is one of the industry's leading financial strategists and educational authorities with 18 years of financial industry experience. Prior to co-founding TheoTrade, Mr. Kaufman spent 6 years at TD Ameritrade as Director of the Trader Group. At TD Ameritrade Mr. Kaufman handled thinkorswim® content and client education which included the design, build, and execution of what has become the industry standard in financial education. He started his career at thinkorswim® in 2000 (acquired by TD Ameritrade in 2009), where he served as chief derivatives instructor, helping the firm progress into the industry leader in retail options trading and investor education services.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Bursting the Biggest Myths in Trading - Don Kaufman's Next Webinar

Our trading partner Don Kaufman is treating us to a free trading webinar this Tuesday evening March 29th at 8 p.m. est. Don't put off reserving your spot since Don and his team are only opening up this up for 1,000 traders.

Reserve Your Spot Here

During this free webinar Don will cover....
  • How you can give yourself the gift of time without paying extra so you can give your trade as much time as it needs
  • How you can create a trade with zero exposure to volatility so you never have to worry about volatility again 
  • How you can set your limited risk before you put on the trade so you know exactly what you're risking. Making this strategy the safest way to trade. So much for the myth that options are risky.
  • How you can generate big returns from small moves in a stock
  • How you can use this strategy whether you have a $2,000 account or a 6 figure account
There will be a waiting list of traders for this free class so make sure you log in 10 minutes early so you don't lose your spot.

Click Here to Get Your Reserved Seat

See you Tuesday night!
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

Don Kaufman

Monday, March 7, 2016

Never Get Crushed by Volatility Again, How to Safely Use Volatility to Make Extreme Gains

Did you catch John Carter’s webinar the other night? It was all about how to safely make extreme profits, even in volatile market conditions. If you didn’t make it, then you really missed out and here’s why. As promised, John revealed the setups he used recently to turn $3,300 into $119k in just 3 weeks on GOOGL and a million dollars in one day on TSLA.

No doubt those are astounding case studies. But this simple ‘bread and butter’ trade is what got everyone’s full attention. Right after John started his presentation he put on a live trade following one of his simple setups. As the webinar continued, John calmly managed the trade while he explained in detail how he’s been able to rack up more than 48% gains already this year.

Let’s just say that John proved that he’s cracked the code and is beating Wall Street institutions at their own game. He spelled out how he’s able to get on the right side of this volatility again and again. Everything was super easy to understand, and even newer traders should be able to take advantage of these simple setups.

Just before John wrapped up the webinar, he sold the last of his position with more than $500 in gains. Like he said, not every trade is a winner, but seeing him put real money on the line for thousands of attendees to see was pretty impressive. Listen, you’ve really got to see what John’s doing for yourself.

Most traders are getting wrecked right now with all this volatility, but John’s adapted the setups he’s refined over 25 years to take advantage of these crazy conditions. The good news is that you now have a second chance. By popular demand, next Tuesday March 8th John’s doing an encore webinar on how he is pin pointing these major reversals in advance for such massive gains.

Click Here to Register

You do not want to miss this!

From now on, you won’t fear volatility… It could become your best friend!

See you in the markets,
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

P.S. If you’re a newer trader with a smaller account, John’s simple setups are especially powerful. Find out how it’s possible to pinpoint major market reversals in advance and safely rack up massive gains while strictly limiting risk.

Click Here to Register Now

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Secret Behind the $1 Million Option Setup....Here’s Your Private Replay (expires soon)

If you missed John Carter’s special training Tuesday night then you are in luck. The limited replay is online now.

Watch the Private Replay Here [Expires soon] 

Get ready to take notes! Unfortunately, I have no idea how long this replay will be up, so watch it while you can. But I can tell you the feedback from those who attended live is beyond awesome. This was not just another ‘webinar’ featuring ‘hypothetical results’.

John detailed, step by step, how to be consistently profitable in these volatile conditions using just a handful of very simple options setups. There was ZERO hype and total transparency. He showed actual trading accounts with winning AND losing trades for all to see. You gotta see this for yourself.

Here’s just some of what John revealed....

  •   Why extreme volatility is the new normal. If you don’t want to crash and burn, you MUST adapt
  •   The setup John used to turn $3k into $119k in just 3 weeks (and how to spot these rare, explosive moves)
  • The simple signal that allowed John to make $1 million in a single day on TSLA options
  • How to pinpoint major reversals in advance by legally ‘spying’ on Wall Street Insiders
  • The publically available intel that allowed John to catch the Nasdaq’s historic January collapse, AND then get long for the February rally
  • The braindead simple option system that turns crazy market volatility into potentially giant gains (sometimes literally overnight , with strictly limited risk)
  • How it’s possible to consistently pull in $100 to $1000 a day by trading from your smart phone (even if you have a job)

Like I said, you don’t want to miss this training. John’s refined these simple strategies over more than 25 years. He shows you what’s really working now and the account killing mistakes that you want to avoid like the plague.

Watch the Limited Replay Now

See you in the markets!
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Monday, February 29, 2016

How to Spot Big Market Reversals in Advance and Beat Wall Street Silly

Thinking about living a ‘dream lifestyle’ is tough for a lot of traders right now, because they’re getting their faces ripped off. And there’s no doubt, these conditions are some of the craziest that we’ve ever seen. Stocks were down 9% in January, that’s the worst market performance in history.

Predictably, some expected the world to end and loaded up on the short side. Of course, then the market reversed in February and is already up 1.4%. Take a look at the Nasdaq roller coaster that traders just rode for nasty losses or pretty awesome gains.

Nasdaq Daily

It’s clear that the bulls got destroyed in January, and then bears gave back all of their profits and then some in February. In other words, both sides got creamed. Classic Wall Street shenanigans, right? In case you were wondering, the markets are designed to deliver maximum pain to the most traders possible. How would you like to turn the tables and finally beat those guys at their own game?

Well, on Tuesday, March 1st at 7pm Central, John Carter is going to show you why his account is up 48% already this year.

For starters, he’ll show you the signal that told him to get short the NQ on the way down, and then buy for the ride back up. As you can imagine, spotting those kinds of reversals in advance would give you an almost unfair advantage. Well, it’s easier than you think and you don’t have to be a psychic. What John is doing isn’t magic. He is just trading simple setups that have passed the test of time.

If you’re getting your clock cleaned by this volatility, we can all relate. It took John years to figure this stuff out. If you join him this Tuesday, March 1st at 7 pm Central, he’ll show you how to use a simple indicator to spot major reversals and piggyback your trades on what the biggest Wall Street institutions are doing. He’ll cover that and a whole lot more.

And let’s take advantage of this "once in a decade" volatility. The next twelve months could offer the best opportunity to rapidly grow your accounts since the 2008 crash. Don’t buy into the myth that volatility automatically means high risk. John will show you how to strictly manage risk and still position your account for major gains.

Put this special webinar on your calendar....Sign Up Right Here!

See you Tuesday.
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

P.S.   John gave us a video primer earlier in the week......Watch That Here

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Stock & ETF Trading Signals

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Strategies to Profit in this Volatile Market - John Carter's Next Free Webinar

Join our trading partner John Carter this Tuesday evening March 1st at 8 pm est for the next of his wildly popular free webinars. John will walk us through his favorite strategies that he is utilizing to remain profitable in today's volatile market.

Just Sign Up Here

Earlier this week John gave us just a sample of how he uses these methods to trade everything from crude oil to Netflix in this short it here. Spend an hour or more with John Tuesday night to get a detail explanation on how to find and execute these trades exactly like John does.

John is having another banner year in 2016 and as always he is showing us how to get this done no matter what the size of your account.

Seating is limited so Sign Up Now

See you Tuesday night,
Ray @ the Crude Oil Trader

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The #1 Question About 20/30 Wealth Trader

It's only been a couple days since Bill Poulos announced the official opening of The 20/30 Wealth Trader program.

But the questions are already pouring in.

"How do I know this will work for me?"

"Do I need a large account to use this system?"

"How much time do I need to use this program?"

"Can this make me rich?"

Bill made this quick video to answer your questions. Have a look:

Your Questions About The 20/30 Wealth Trader
Answered Here

See you in the markets,
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

p.s. Be sure to mark your calendar because The 20/30 Wealth Trader program opens at 1pm Eastern on Monday, December 14th. And watch your inbox over the weekend for a surprise announcement.

Watch "The #1 question about 20/30 Wealth Trader, a bold question and a surprising answer"....Just Click Here!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Another Elephant Trade is Setting Up

It’s a bit unusual for us to reach out to you on the weekend during family time, but this is pretty important. We want to give you a heads up so you don’t miss out on this again. Here’s the situation. Pressure in the markets is building for a big move in the next few weeks. If it hits, this could drive the trends for the coming year.

And I can tell you firsthand that many professional traders and hedge funds will be blindsided by this. They just don’t get what’s driving the markets today. And as you know, that means this set up could be unusually intense (and potentially very profitable) as everyone panics when they discover they’re on the wrong side of the move.

Listen, if you want to grow a small account quickly, then this is the kind of move you need to catch and they only happen about once a year. Now, we want to take a minute to apologize. Here’s why. Our trading partner John Carter released a great free video [click here to watch it] then a special webinar training last week and he went into full detail about this elephant trade set up and how to ride it. And the feedback has been just amazing. Which is why we feel bad.

A whole ton of you missed out because we only sent out one email invitation to register for the webinar. So on Tuesday December 8th at 8 p.m. est John is going to do an encore training for you. Since this message is going out to everyone who missed last time, we strongly encourage you to grab your spot as soon as possible because space is limited.

Click Here to Register

This is NOT a replay. The training will be live so you can use what you learn the next day. John will cover any new market developments and tell you how he is trading them in his own account. I think you’ll agree, anyone can identify a big move in hindsight, but that doesn’t do you much good, right?

That’s why we think it’s so important to be transparent and show you John's positions and results in real time. To join us for this special training, grab your spot now.

Click Here to Register

By the way, in last week’s training John mentioned a Netflix set up that was forming and several attendees jumped on that and did very, very well. Now, quick trades like that don’t always happen in a live training, but sometimes they do. Remember though, the point of this training is really about how to grow your account fast by catching these big elephant trades.

If you missed the recent big move in the Euro, or AMZN, then you don’t want to miss what we believe will be the big trade of the next 12 months.

So Click Here to Register for this special training now before you forget.

See you Tuesday evening,
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

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