Showing posts with label profits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label profits. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Here's Why it Might Be Time to Take Natural Gas Seriously

Last week we identified a prime chart pattern in natural gas that matched our technical analysis and cycle price prediction system. This type of setup is our favorite as it leads to quick juicy profits and the last setup we had like this in natural gas I think we pocketed 74% return in 12 days using the ETF UGAZ.

Charts speak for themselves so let me show you what myself and our subscribers are into right now. We are long UGAZ and today (Wed March 7th) we locked in 9.1% profit with UGAZ on half the position. Our stops are now at break even, and we are looking for the final blast off stage, which may or may not happen, but we are ready!

We share this analysis so that you have some real predictive data to work with through March. We are not always 100% accurate in our modeling systems predictions or accuracy, but you can spend a little time reading our research reports through most of this year to see how we’ve been calling these market moves since well before the start of 2018. Visit the Technical Traders here to see what we offer our subscribers and learn how we can assist you in finding great trading opportunities. In fact, pay attention to the market moves as they play out over the next few weeks to see how accurate our research really is. We’re confident you will quickly understand that we provide the best predictive analysis you can find and are proud to offer our clients this type of research.

Get ready for this move and don’t miss the future ones. We’ll keep our members aware of all of these moves going forward so they can take advantage of these opportunities to generate profits.

Hope to see you in our member’s area, as well, where we can share more data and research to help you profit from these moves – visit The Technical Traders Right Here to learn more.

Stock & ETF Trading Signals

Friday, February 16, 2018

How to Trade as We Near March Top in Equities

Our focus is to provide you with updated and accurate market price predictions for all of 2018, we believe we are entering a period that will be fantastic for traders and active investors. We believe this recent volatility has shaken out the low volatility expectations and will allow the markets to start moving in a more normal rotational mode going forward. This means we’ll have lots of trading opportunities to profit from.

For those of you who have not been following our research over the past 2 to 3 months, we urge you to visit our Technical Traders Ltd. website to read our published research and to learn how we’ve been calling these moves in the markets for our members. We called the early 2018 market rally weeks before it started. We called the lower price rotation over a month before it happened. We called the bottom in this price correction almost to the day and told our members that we believed a very quick Pennant price formation was set up that will drive prices higher which we have seen this week.

Members know price should move higher leading to a March 15 price cycle peak. After that point, we’ll refresh our analysis for our members and attempt to provide further guidance. Today/Friday we closed our Short position in UVXY for a quick 50% in 9 days.

In this post, we are going to focus on one of our price modeling systems based on Adaptive Fibonacci Price Modeling and show you why we believe this recent price move will likely stabilize within a range while attempting future moves. Let’s start with the INDU.


This first chart is the INDU Weekly chart with our Fibonacci Modeling system at work. We’ve highlighted certain areas with notes to help you understand it in more detail. This adaptive modeling system tracks price high and low points in various cycle lengths, then attempts to adapt a major and moderate cycle analysis model to key Fibonacci predictive points. The end result is that we can see where key Fibonacci price trigger levels are and also see what our predictive modeling system is telling us where prices is likely headed.

This weekly, chart shows us that the current support level (originating from near April 2017) is nearly exactly where the current price correction found support. This level is currently acting as a strong base for current price action and will likely continue to provide very strong support going forward. You can also see the Bearish Fibonacci Price Level near 25,776 that is acting like Resistance. Notice that this Bearish Fibonacci Price Level also coincides with the BLUE Fibonacci projected price level.

It is still our opinion that the US major markets will continue moderate price rotation within these levels for the next 5+ days before reaching an intermediate price low cycle near February 21. After this price low cycle is reached, we believe a new price advance will begin to drive the US majors higher reaching a peak near March 15.


This next INDU Daily chart provides more detail of our projected analysis. Again, please read the notes we’ve made on this chart to assist you in understanding how we are reading it and interpreting it. The most recent price peak and trough clearly show the volatility spike that happened last week. It also shows us that the recent trough in price aligned almost perfectly with a Bullish Fibonacci Price Level from November 2017. We interpret this as a clear “double bottom” formation at Fibonacci Support.

The purple horizontal line is the Support Level originating from the earlier, Weekly, chart for reference.

This Daily chart shows more detail in terms of the Fibonacci Projected Price Levels and also shows the wide range of price that we are currently experiencing. Over time, this wide range will likely diminish a bit as the trend continues to consolidate price rotation into more narrow bands, but right now we have a very wide range of price volatility that we have to deal with.

Additionally, the current upward price rotation is above the Bullish Fibonacci Price Level from the recent lows. This is a clear indication that prices want to continue to push higher till some new price peak is in place. We expect that will happen fairly soon.

Notice how the Fibonacci Projected Price Levels are quite a way away from the current price levels? This is because the recent increase in volatility is alerting the price modeling system that we expect larger range price rotation. As newer and more moderate price rotations form, these levels will begin to consolidate a bit with new price levels.

As of right now, our analysis has really not changed much since last week. We believe the Feb 21 price low will prompt a rally into the March 15 price peak. At that time, we’ll take a fresh look at these modeling systems to see what they can tell us about the future.


The last chart I wanted to share with you is the Daily SSO chart. This chart helps to firm up our analysis of what to expect in the immediate future as well as continues to support our analysis that the US Majors will likely stall near current levels and retrace slightly headed into the Feb 21 price low. Remember, we don’t believe this Feb 21 price low will be anywhere close to the recent lows. This move lower will be much more subdued and moderate in size and scope.

With this SSO chart, the Adaptive Fibonacci Price Modeling system is showing a potential “Major Bottom” near the recent lows. This happens when the system identifies a potentially massive or major price bottom. Over time, the modeling system will confirm this trigger or replace it with a new trigger when it forms.

We still see the massive price volatility in this chart. We still see the Fibonacci Price Trigger Levels that tell us we are below the Bearish Price Trigger (near the recent top) and above the Bullish Price Trigger (near the recent bottom), so what should expect price to do? At this point, the most recent Price Trigger Breach is the Bullish Price Trigger – thus we are expecting prices to continue higher overall. The new Bearish Fibonacci Price Trigger, below the current prices, is what we would watch for any signs of price weakness. When that level is breached, then we begin a new potential down leg.

Right now, we will issue this one simple warning – the upside move is likely to be ending soon and preparing for our February 21 price low point. The fact that prices are showing that they’ve already reached the Fibonacci Projected Price Level is telling us this upside leg may be over for now which is the reason we exited our short UVXY position here for a 50% profit.

Next, we expect the US majors to rotate lower for a few days headed into a February 21 price low. This will be following by an almost immediate and strong upside push to a March 15th price peak.

This means we will be setting up for some great trades over the next few days/weeks. Imagine being able to know that near February 20-22, we should be able to “pick” the best opportunities for quick trades where the US majors begin a new up leg? Also, imagine how critical this type of information can be to you going forward?

Our research team at The Technical Traders site has a combined 53 years of trading and analysis experience. We develop specialized and proprietary price modeling systems, like these, to assist us in being able to provide our members with an “edge” in the markets. Of course, we are not always 100% accurate with our predictions – no one can be 100% accurate. We simply do our best to make sure our members get the best we can offer them each and every day. We want them to understand the opportunities that are playing out and we help them find the best trade triggers for profits each week.

Stay tuned for our next post on Sunday with an instant trade setup, 

If you find this information valuable and would like to include it in your daily trading activities, visit here and sign up for the Technical Traders Wealth Building Newsletter today!

Chris Vermeulen

Stock & ETF Trading Signals

Monday, October 2, 2017

Engineering Regular Income and Profits from Your Trading

Today's article is from my trading partner, Brian McAboy of Inside Out Trading.  Brian is a retired engineer and has a rather unconventional yet very effective approach to helping people become successful traders.  He's been helping traders for over 11 years, so he's been around long enough to know what works and what doesn't.

Take just a minute for this.  You'll be glad you did.

There are two very specific success traits that pertain to you and your trading. The first one is absolutely necessary for you to give yourself a reasonable chance of making it. And the second one is to keep you from wasting tons of time, money and psychological capital

Now as you know, trading is not a "get rich quick" kind of activity. This is NOT a place where anyone off the street can stroll in, grab a system, start throwing money at the markets and live happily ever after. Just doesn't work like that

Trading IS a true profession, a skill based occupation, and not a place for the squeamish or weak of heart. So for a person to expect to be "living the lifestyle" overnight is just not realistic. But the question then becomes, "How long should it realistically take?"

Too many traders let things go way too long in a less than satisfactory state

They simply let time to continue to pass, doing things generally the same way they have been for months on end, with the same disappointing results, well beyond what is really a reasonable time to allow

You see, there are generally two aspects of patience when it comes to trading:
  1. You have to be patient enough for things happen, for your trading to develop and mature.
  2. The other side of patience is knowing when you've reached a point where it's pretty obvious that your current approach just isn't working and it's time to stop, reassess, and change course.
"How long should it take?" is a common question, and the real answer is that you can get to the point of real, business like, reliable consistent profits in 3 to 6 months, a year at the outside

If it's taking YEARS, then something is wrong and you're really just spinning your wheels, wasting time and money and cheating yourself out of the success that you should be enjoying. There is also a huge personal cost to letting things take longer than they should

One trader expressed this very well,
"I've been trading futures for about 9 years now with inconsistent results.  I've made the usual mistakes, buying too many courses, focusing on the results not the process and being too impatient to trade to wait for valid setups. 

After listening to your video this weekend where you make the distinction between being patient in the beginning and giving yourself time, and beyond a certain point (3 - 6months) considering that it may be time to be impatient about your progress, this made me realize I've been allowing myself to coast for far too long, and that's impacted my confidence and the belief that I can turn trading into a business with a consistent return." 
Complacency, NOT being impatient when it's time to, is one of the biggest cost centers many traders have

There's the financial cost of missed profits and unnecessary losses, plus the opportunity costs of not enjoying the fruits of your time being spent on other matters of course, but she noted the personal, psychological cost as well

The thing is, you chose trading so that you could have freedom, financial and time freedom, not a J-O-B. You wanted trading to be a truly enjoyable activity that generates income and wealth and provides security and peace of mind

If you've been trading for more than a year, and your trading is not where you want it to be, nor is it really even close, and looking at the trajectory that you're now on, it doesn't look like you're going to get there anytime soon, then perhaps it's time to consider a different approach. That's why I suggest that you check out the training masterclass I created for you

Here are the details on the masterclass,

 "Rewrite Your Trading Story"

How to become a confident, consistent and profitable trader in 60 days or less even if you've never had a profitable month.

Here's what you will discover....
  • The "Little 3" and the "Big 3" and Why the Wrong Focus Will Have You Chasing Profits Forever
  • "The Gap" and How It Keeps Traders Jumping From One System to the Next, Without Ever Realizing The 'Easy Consistent Profits' Promised by the System Sellers
  • One Specific 'Hidden' Lie Traders Tell Themselves That Continually Drains Your Time, Capital and Confidence
  • Why Self Sabotage Goes On For YEARS For Most Traders, And How To Permanently Eliminate It From Your Trading
  • The Four Stage Process To Make YOUR Trading Profitable And Predictable
Click Here to Register and Move the Needle in Your Trading

See you in the markets!
Brian McAboy
Trading Business Coach

Friday, August 18, 2017

How to Precisely Time Black Swan ‘Implosions’ Between August and October

Maybe you were lucky enough to get a seat at this weeks free webinar with our trading partner John Carter of Simpler Trading. If you didn't we have good news. John has agreed to come back with another one this upcoming Thursday August 24th to make sure everybody gets a chance to see this.

In this special free training John will show us how he predicts big moves in the market with his "10X Trade Formula"

If you have attended one of John's free trading webinar you know, they fill up to capacity and they fill up fast. So we are putting the word out early so our readers can make sure they get a reserved seat and keep it.

It all takes place Thursday August 24th, 2017 at 8:00 pm est [ 5 pm pacific and 7 pm central]

Reserve Your Spot Here

Here's just some of what we will cover....

    *   The Explosive Setup that Bought John a 200 Acre Ranch on ONE 24 Hour TSLA Trade

    *   How to Precisely Time Black Swan ‘Implosions’ Between August and October

    *   How John Caught Some of the Decade’s Biggest Moves (Including the 2008 Crash)

    *   The Smart Way to Exploit the Obscene Profit Potential of Put and Call Options

    *   How to Avoid Heartbreaking Mistakes that Wipe Out Massive Profits

    *   When to Bet Small and When to ‘Load the Boat’ for a Potential Home Run

    *   How to Predict ‘Explosions and Implosions’ with Shocking Accuracy and Limited Risk

Join John Carter for this Special Presentation

Reserve Your Spot Here

BONUS: Those who attend the webinar live will receive a FREE copy of John's popular psychology class, "The Billionaire Mindset." 

Friday, August 4, 2017

How to Turn Dimes into Dollars Catching Volatility Explosions - Next Free Webinar

Our trading partner John Carter of Simpler Trading is back with another one of his ground breaking free webinars. In this special free training John will show us how he predicts big moves in the market with his "10X Trade Formula"

If you have attended one of John's free trading webinar you know, they fill up to capacity and they fill up fast. So we are putting the word out early so our readers can make sure they get a reserved seat and keep it.

It all takes place Thursday August 17th, 2017 at 8:00 pm est [ 5 pm pacific and 7 pm central]

Reserve Your Spot Here

Here's just some of what we will cover....

    *   The Explosive Setup that Bought John a 200 Acre Ranch on ONE 24 Hour TSLA Trade

    *   How to Precisely Time Black Swan ‘Implosions’ Between August and October

    *   How John Caught Some of the Decade’s Biggest Moves (Including the 2008 Crash)

    *   The Smart Way to Exploit the Obscene Profit Potential of Put and Call Options

    *   How to Avoid Heartbreaking Mistakes that Wipe Out Massive Profits

    *   When to Bet Small and When to ‘Load the Boat’ for a Potential Home Run

    *   How to Predict ‘Explosions and Implosions’ with Shocking Accuracy and Limited Risk

Join John Carter for this Special Presentation

Reserve Your Spot Here

BONUS: Those who attend the webinar live will receive a FREE copy of John's popular psychology class, "The Billionaire Mindset." 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Why It Feels Like the Dot Com Bubble All Over Again

By Justin Spittler

Today, we’re going to do something different. As you can imagine, we hear from our readers a lot. Some of them have nice things to say. Others…not so much. Most importantly, though, we get a lot of questions. Last week, we received a question that was so important, we’re dedicating this entire issue to it. This question might be something you’re wondering yourself…and it could have a huge impact on your money.

It comes from Joseph J., a subscriber to The Casey Report:
I read today’s newsletter (Trump Should Be Careful What He Wishes For) with great interest. In it you stated that “U.S. stocks are incredibly expensive…” But my question is: Based against what? We are in uncharted territory, and every single newsletter writer that I have asked this question of has failed to provide an answer. Perhaps you will be different.
Thank you for putting us in the hot seat, Joseph. Lucky for us, we didn’t make this claim lightly. We have plenty of facts to back it up. Before we show you the proof, you have to realize something: There are many different ways to value stocks. Everyone has their preference. A lot of folks use the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio. Other investors look at a company’s book value or cash flow.

We prefer to use the cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio.…
This ratio is the cousin of the popular P/E ratio. The only difference is that it uses 10 years’ worth of earnings instead of just the previous year’s. This smooths out the up and downs of the business cycle. It gives us a long-term view of the market. Right now, the CAPE ratio for companies in the S&P 500 is 28.4. That’s 70% higher than its historical average. U.S. stocks haven’t been this expensive since the dot com bubble.

This isn’t a good sign. As you may remember, the S&P 500 fell 41% from 2000–2002. The Nasdaq plunged 78% over the same period.

But the CAPE ratio is just one way to value stocks.…
To prove we’re not cherry picking, let’s look at some other metrics. First up, the price-to-sales (P/S) ratio. This ratio is just like the P/E ratio, but it uses the previous year’s sales instead of earnings. According to credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s, the S&P 500 currently trades at 2.02 times sales. That’s 40% higher than its historical average, and the highest level since at least 2000. Clearly, U.S. stocks are more expensive than normal. But that’s not even the main reason investors are nervous about them.

U.S. stocks seem to have lost touch with reality.…
As we all know, the stock market allows investors to own a piece of publicly traded companies. Most of the companies on the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) are U.S. companies. Because of this, you would think the stock market would generally follow the health of the economy. If the economy’s booming, stocks should be soaring. If the economy’s struggling, stocks should be, too. That hasn’t been the case lately.

Since 2009, the S&P 500 has surged 239% to record highs. That makes this one of the strongest bull markets in U.S. history. During that same span, the U.S. economy has grown just 2% per year. That makes the current “recovery” one of the weakest since World War II. In short, Main Street hasn’t kept up with Wall Street.

The U.S. stock market is now clearly in “bubble territory”.…
Just look at the chart below. This chart compares the value of the U.S. stock market with the nation’s gross domestic income (GDI). GDI is like gross domestic product (GDP), but instead of measuring how much money a country spends, it measures how much money a country earns. It counts things like wages, corporate profits, and tax receipts. A high ratio means stocks are expensive relative to how much money an economy makes. You can see in the chart below that this key ratio is well above its housing bubble high. It’s now approaching the record high it hit during the dot-com bubble.

This is another serious red flag.…
But it doesn't mean stocks are going to crash next month, or next year. For this bubble to pop, something will have to prick it. We’re not sure what that will be…where it will come from…or when it will happen…
But we do know stocks don’t go up forever. Sooner or later, this bubble is going to end. When it does, many investors are going to take huge losses. Years’ worth of returns could disappear in a matter of months, even weeks.

The good news is that you can still crisis-proof your portfolio. Here are three ways to get started:
  1. Set aside more cash. Holding extra cash will help you avoid big losses if stocks fall. It will also put you in a position to buy stocks when they get cheaper.
  2. Own physical gold. Gold is the ultimate safe-haven asset. It’s survived every financial crisis in history. It will certainly survive the next one.
  3. Close your weakest positions. Start by selling your most expensive stocks. They tend to fall the hardest during major selloffs. You should also get rid of companies that need cheap debt to make money. If problems in the bond market continue, these companies could be in trouble.
These simple strategies could save you tens of thousands, possibly more, when the inevitable happens.

Chart of the Day

Miners are rallying again. Today’s chart shows the performance of the S&P/TSX Global Mining Index. This index tracks the performance of companies that mine commodities like gold, silver, aluminum, and copper. You can see that this index skyrocketed at the beginning of last year. It nearly doubled between January and July. Then, it went almost nowhere for six months.

Three weeks ago, the S&P/TSX Global Mining Index broke out of this sideways trading pattern. It’s now trading at its highest level since early 2015. This is very bullish. It tells us that mining stocks may have just entered a new phase of a bull market. If you’ve been thinking about buying mining stocks, now might be a good time to get in. But don’t worry if you don’t know what to buy.

We recently put together a presentation that talks about one of the richest gold deposits in the world. Our top gold analyst has never seen anything like this in his career. Early investors in the company that owns this deposit could make 1,000% or more. But this opportunity won’t last long. Just two months from now, this world-class mine will “go live.” When it does, this company’s stock should shoot through the roof. For more details on this incredible opportunity, click here.

Stock & ETF Trading Signals

Sunday, July 24, 2016

How to Profit From These Massive, Brexit Induced Trends

By Justin Spittler

This has the makings of a classic speculative opportunity—one where politically caused distortions are liquidated and prices readjust. But a word of caution. It’s going to take place within the context of the Greater Depression. And, as Richard Russell, who lived through the last depression, observed: In a depression, nobody wins. The winner is just the person who loses the least.

The EU will disintegrate. It never made sense from the beginning to try to get Swedes to live by the same rules as Sicilians or Germans by the same rules as Portuguese. Not to mention that the rules are entirely arbitrary. Worse, almost all the rules are economic in nature, with legislated winners and losers. Deals like that always lead to resentment, among both the winners and the losers.

In addition to this, the EU is very problematical when it comes to immigrants. There will be more migrants trying to settle in Europe. Why? Because the Muslim world, the swath of countries extending all across northern Africa, through the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Far East, is likely to become increasingly unstable. The EU, as a very politically correct organization is loathe to turn them away. However, once they’re within Schengen, the migrants can travel anywhere. Perhaps where welfare benefits are best and where other migrants are gathering. Remember, when times get tough, both politicians and the capite censi look for someone to blame.

How to profit from this? Most people don’t think the EU will collapse just because Britain (which has always been closer to the U.S. than the Continent anyway) has left. They’re wrong. For one thing, although Brussels won’t become a ghost town, it’s going to lose scores of thousands of highly paid Eurocrats and their minions. I recall that property there was some of the cheapest in Europe in the early ’80s, it’s going to return to that status. We’ll look for a REIT to sell short, specializing in the Brussels market.

It will accelerate the disintegration of nation-states everywhere. 

There are about 200 nation-states in the world. The international “elite,” the “intelligentsia,” the members of the Deep State everywhere, and organizations like the EU in Brussels, would like to see a much smaller number of more powerful states. Orwell anticipated just three mega-states in his dystopia. But the actual trend is in the opposite direction.

It’s not just the UK seceding from the EU, but Scotland from the UK. The Basques and Catalans may eventually secede from Spain. Belgium, a totally artificial country, may eventually break up into Flemish-speaking Flanders and French speaking Wallonia. France has half a dozen secession movements. Italy was only unified into its present form from scores of principalities, duchies, and baronies in 1871 by Garibaldi. It was the same with Germany until Bismarck in 1871. 

The break-up of the USSR in 1990 into 13 smaller states was a good start, but Russia itself is a small empire with dozens of distinct ethnic and linguistic groups. You will rarely hear about this in the mass media, but there are dozens of secession movements throughout Europe. That’s one more reason why (in addition to the interest rate risk and the inflation risk, which are both substantial) you should stay away from long-term government bonds.

The euro will cease to exist.....
The Esperanto currency was doomed from the beginning. It was not just an “IOU nothing,” like the U.S. dollar, but a “Who owes you nothing” since it’s not even backed by a specific government’s taxing power. How to profit? I’ve put on long-term futures contracts, long the British pound vs. short the euro. My rationale is simple. Britain will benefit from exiting the EU, attracting capital and strengthening the pound—which is down 11% against the euro since Brexit. The euro, meanwhile, will approach its intrinsic value at an accelerating rate.

A truly major banking crisis.....
Much worse than that of 2007–2009. Governments, who are all bankrupt, borrow money from commercial banks. Commercial banks have lent it to them because they believe it’s a risk free loan. Governments encourage them to lend recklessly, hoping that will jump-start sluggish economies. Central banks, which are the arms of their governments, have taken interest rates to zero and below for that reason and to make it easier for governments to service their debt. This policy has encouraged businesses to take on debt.

It’s an idiotic and reckless experiment that will end—likely in this cycle—with bankrupt central banks and governments bailing out bankrupt commercial banks and businesses. Just the way they did in 2007–2009. Except this time, the situation is much more serious. How to profit? Don’t own European companies, stocks or bonds, and banks in particular. In fact, even though they’re already down considerably, they’re going lower and are excellent candidates for short sales, or the sale of naked calls.

A panic into gold..... 
You’ve heard this story many times before here. But it’s truer than ever as we approach a genuine crisis. There are no stable paper currencies anywhere in the world. The dollar has been strong only because it’s liquid. Liquidity is good, but here, we’re talking about liquid like nitroglycerin. Hedge funds will start buying gold in size. As will central banks, who don’t want to hold each other’s paper. As will individual investors. Right now, few people even think about gold, much less understand it. How to profit? Buy gold. I expect we’ll see it well over $5,000 this cycle. Silver should do even better in relative terms. And gold stocks have explosive upside.

An exodus of capital and people from Europe.....
to parts of Latin America, plus to the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. This is, obviously, bad for Europe and good for the recipient countries. In recent years, I might not have included Latin America, but things have changed. Argentina and Colombia are liberalizing economically. The continent isn’t involved in any entangling alliances, isn’t on the migration highway, and has low costs. Why a wealthy European would stay in that stagnant and unstable continent when he could live better, and mostly tax free, at a fraction of the cost in Argentina is a mystery to me.

Chaos in Africa..... 
Almost every country in Africa is an ex-European colony. Over the last 50 years, Europe, with the U.S. and now China, have shipped over a trillion dollars to the continent. Most of it has been recycled back to Europe by the African elites that stole it, and the rest has mostly been wasted. 

That flow is going to stop for a number of reasons, but among them is that it makes no sense in an “every-man for himself” world. At the same time, essentially all of the world’s population growth over the next couple of decades is going to come from sub Saharan Africa. It’s a nasty economic environment that’s a formula for conflict. 

Millions of Africans will want to emigrate, especially to the homelands of their ex-colonial masters in Europe. They won’t, however, be welcome. How might one take advantage of this? The higher population is going to put upward pressure on commodities, and the chaos is going to make their production much riskier in Africa.

In conclusion..... 
Brexit itself is likely to be good for Britain. And it augurs some big changes in the world at large. Don’t forget that it will all be in the context of both the Greater Depression and the accelerating and world-changing technological revolution I described last month. Our objective here remains to not only keep you advised of what’s happening, but help you profit from opportunities while avoiding major dangers.

Editor's note: The biggest threat to your wealth right now isn’t an economic recession, a stock market crash, or even a global banking crisis. It’s something much bigger and far more dangerous. This short video explains more…

It explains how violent currency moves—like we’re seeing today—have preceded some of the worst financial disasters in history. By the end of the video, you’ll know why you can’t afford to ignore the warnings we’re seeing right now. You’ll learn how to protect yourself and profit from the coming crisis. Click here to watch this free video.

Get our latest FREE eBook "The Rebel's Guide to Trading Options"....Just Click Here!

Stock & ETF Trading Signals

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Did You See This Explosive Signal in PCLN?

Did you see how PCLN took off like a rocket the other day? Every trader dreams of catching a trade like that. But instead of making massive profits most traders get left behind. Or they get stopped out because they were on the wrong side of the move. It’s happened to all of us and this is what it looked like this time around in PCLN.....


So you gotta ask yourself..…

  • How do you know when support or resistance is likely to hold?

  • How do you know when to chase a ‘rocket trade’ like this move in PCLN?

  • How do you know when a breakout is really a fake out?

The answer is hidden below the surface and you can’t see it just by looking at the chart. You can’t see it looking at volume or candlesticks or other popular indicators. And when you get these questions wrong you lose money. The good news is that now there is a way you can tell - in advance - whether a move is likely to fizzle out or take off like a rocket.

All you need do is spy on what Wall Street’s biggest funds are doing. You see small retail traders don’t generate explosive moves like that. When you see a ‘rocket trade’ it’s driven by huge institutional trade volume. The problem is that 9 out of 10 traders have no clue how to spot these opportunities. And that’s why they lose.

I’m telling you this because my friend John Carter’s been developing four all new indicators that reveal when a breakout is fueled by big money and when it’s likely to fizzle out. Listen, John’s the real deal. He’s been trading for more than 25 years and he’s famous for making profitable trades like this one in PCLN in front of a live audience. 

What you need to know now is that these four new indicators are crazy accurate but they haven’t been released to the trading public yet. However, you can actually check them out now because John just did a FREE training last night and I’ve scored you access to the recording.

Listen, you probably don’t want to take another trade until you watch this video. Once you see this training you won’t look at a price chart the same way ever again. Go ahead and get the whole story now because the recording will only be up for a few days.

See you in the markets,
Ray C. Parrish

P.S. Be sure to watch this ASAP because the training is coming down soon

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

John's Short-Term Low-Risk Set Ups for Volatile Markets

Our trading partners at Simpler Options are back with another free webinar. This time it's "Precise Short Term Options Setups for Low Risk Profits in Volatile Markets" hosted by John Carter and Chris Belcher.

As always John and Chris have provided a free video to give you some hints as to what we will be covering....Watch that video now!

It all starts this Tuesday June 7th at 7:00 pm central.

Just visit this link to reserve your seat for this game changing webinar right now since all of these webinars get over subscribed.

Watch Todays Video and Sign Up for the Webinar Right Here

These two highly respected traders (with more than 50 years of combined experience) reveal low risk option strategies designed to catch quick explosive moves in volatile stocks. Get ready to take notes because we’re going to review results from actual live trades executed in real time during current market conditions.

Red Thumb Trades: Stop wasting time (and precious capital) on dud stocks. Discover how to find the right options to trade on the right stocks today.

Precision Exit Strategies: Finally know when to take fast profits intraday and when to let your position turn into a swing trade so you can get maximum gains.

Simple Option Setups: Cut through all the jargon and ‘Greek’ mumbo jumbo and learn how to follow a step by step process to create consistent income trading stock options.

The Ultimate Timing Secret: How to know in advance which stocks are likely to explode (in any time frame) and when to jump in with confidence

Miracle Grow Positions: Simple rapid growth strategies for small accounts. Discover why it’s possible to make a whole lot more money with options than you can with trading stocks. The key is to follow a few precise option setups.

Massive Mistakes Exposed: Learn why most traders will never be consistently profitable and discover how to actually profit from the most common (and costly) mistakes.

The Perfect Storm: Why the current volatile conditions are a trader’s paradise, and key catalysts to watch for in the coming months.

Case Study: Review one of John's live trades on TSLA that brought in $17k in 1 day (along with several other recent real money examples so you can see these setups in action).

As always, make sure you get your reserved seat now while you and make sure you log in early on Tuesday so you don't lose your spot.

Reserve Seat Right Here and Now

See you Tuesday evening,
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Join us for Private Training and Live Trading Sessions with John Carter

It’s no secret that most traders are getting wrecked by this year’s volatile market conditions, but not John Carter. Just this week he proved once again that his safe and simple option setups are crushing it. He texted his traders a live trade on TSLA that pulled in $42,750 in just 90 minutes. And consider this, his account was already up over $101,000 this year. Clearly he’s doing something right.

What’s his secret? It's the extremely powerful option setups he’s refined over 25 years. It’s simple, really High leverage, limited risk, precise timing and it's all equals explosive profits. I’m telling you this because John’s doing a private online training tomorrow and there are a few spots left. And if you hurry, you might still be able to attend his live trading sessions next week. This class is not open to the public and space is limited.

Click Here to Claim Your Spot

Why all the buzz about John’s high profile trades that ended with astonishing gains? Here's why......

  *  Turning $3,300 into $119,202 in GOOGL

  *  Turning $6,600 into $36,450 in AMZN

  *  And making $1 million in ONE day on TSLA

If you can still get in, this training is a rare opportunity for you to learn from a very successful trader who is 100% transparent and loves to teach others how to succeed. I highly recommend you check this out, even if you are a newer trader with limited capital. His training is easy to understand and a lot of fun, too.

Get the Whole Story Here

See you in the markets,
Ray C. Parrish
aka the Crude Oil Trader

Get John's latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Here’s Why Crude Oil Stocks Haven’t Bottomed Yet

By Justin Spittler

Oil companies are hemorrhaging money. The oil market is in its worst downturn in decades. The price of oil has plummeted 72% since June 2014. Oil is trading below $30 a barrel for the first time since 2003.
If you’ve been reading the Dispatch, you know the world has too much oil. In recent years, technologies like “fracking” have unlocked billions of barrels of oil that were once impossible to extract from shale regions.
Global oil production has climbed 20% since 2000. Last year, global output hit an all time high. Yesterday, The Wall Street Journal reported the global oil market is oversupplied by 1.5 million barrels a day.
Because oil is leaving the ground faster than it’s being consumed, oil storage tanks are overflowing. 

Companies are now storing oil on tankers floating at sea, according to Bloomberg Business.

Low oil prices have slammed oil stocks..…
Since June 2014, Exxon Mobil (XOM), the world’s largest oil company, has dropped 27%. Chevron (CVX), the second biggest oil company, has plunged 38%. European oil giants Royal Dutch Shell (RDS-A), BP (BP), and Total S.A. (TOT) have plummeted 46%, on average, over the last 18 months. Together, these giant companies are known as the oil “supermajors.”

BP had a $3.3 billion net loss last quarter..…
And it lost $6.5 billion for the year, its worst annual loss in at least 30 years. Exxon sales fell 28% last quarter. Its profits plunged 58% to $2.78 billion, the company’s lowest quarterly profit since 2002. Chevron also booked its worst quarterly profit since 2002. Shell expects to report a 42% decline in profits for their fourth quarter.

Oil and gas companies slashed spending by 22% last year..…
Analysts expect another 12% cut this year to $522 billion, according to Reuters. The industry hasn’t spent that little since 2009…when the U.S. economy was going through its worst downturn in almost a century. More spending cuts are coming this year. Chevron plans to cut spending by 24% this year. The company laid off 10% of its employees in October. Exxon plans to cut spending by 25% in 2016. And BP plans to eliminate 9% of its jobs over the next two years.

The supermajors have not cut dividends yet..…
Regular readers know these oil giants pay some of the steadiest income streams on the planet. Shell hasn’t cut its dividend since World War II. Exxon and Chevron have both increased their annual dividends for at least the past 25 years, which earns them a spot in the “Dividend Aristocrats” club. Investors view these dividends as sacred. Some have even passed along their original shares to children and grandchildren, like grandma’s ring or the family farm. These giant oil companies have been paying regular dividends for decades, even through the 2001 dot com crash and 2008 financial crisis. Cutting their dividends would be a last resort.

The world’s oil giants may have to do the “unthinkable” if oil prices stay low..…
Financial Times reported in December,
…(J)ust weeks ago, BP and France’s Total each pledged to balance their books at $60 a barrel oil, saying they aimed to cover their dividends from “organic” cash flow by 2017.
…(E)ven at $60, the three biggest European majors will need to take further cost-cutting action to cover investor payouts…Total’s $6.8bn dividend would exceed its projected organic free cash flow by $800m two years from now. For BP, the cash shortfall is put at $500m…
These oil companies cut costs to be profitable at $60 oil. But with oil now at $30, they need to make even more drastic cuts.
BP is running out of places to cut spending according to Bloomberg Business.
While Chief Executive Officer Bob Dudley has trimmed billions of dollars of spending, cut thousands of jobs and deferred projects in response to the plunge in crude prices, BP’s cash flow still doesn’t cover investments and dividends…
BP has already cut “a lot” from capital expenditure, Chief Financial Officer Brian Gilvary said Tuesday at a press briefing in London. When asked how much room it has to reduce spending further before cutting into the bone, Gilvary said “we are around that zone.”

Standard & Poor’s (S&P) downgraded Chevron and Shell this week..…
Ratings agencies downgrade a company’s credit rating when they think the company’s financial health is getting worse. Like a person having a bad credit score, a downgrade can make it harder and more expensive for a company to borrow money. S&P cut Shell’s credit rating to the lowest level since 1990. S&P also put the debt of BP, Total, and Exxon on watch for downgrades.

S&P doesn’t think oil companies have cut spending enough. Bloomberg Business reported:
S&P’s moves come after the ratings company lowered its 2016 oil-price assumption Jan. 12, reducing Brent crude by $15 a barrel to $40. The 52 percent average price decline in 2015 won’t be matched by most companies’ cost and spending reductions, S&P said.
As regular readers know, the oil market is cyclical. It goes through big booms and busts. Eventually we’ll get an amazing opportunity to buy world-class oil companies at absurdly cheap prices. But with dividend cuts looming, the bottom likely isn’t in yet. We recommend avoiding oil stocks for now.

Louis James, editor of International Speculator, sees an opportunity to profit from cheap oil..…
Louis is our resource guru. He specializes in finding small miners with huge upside. Louis is an expert in the cyclical nature of commodities. He knows how to make money during booms and busts. And now, Louis sees opportunity in airlines. Jet fuel, which is made from oil, is a major operating expense for airlines. So, airline stocks often move up when oil drops. Last year, jet fuel prices fell by more than one-third. Major airlines are now raking in cash. The U.S. airline industry made $22 billion in profits during the first nine months of 2015, according to the Department of Transportation. That’s more than any entire year in its history.

In December, Louis recommended his favorite airline stock in International Speculator.....
The company has doubled its profits during the third quarter of 2015. On Monday, Louis said the company doubled its profits again last quarter.
The company just announced more-than-solid financial results for last quarter, doubling its quarterly profit. The company says it’s on track to hit the high end of its operational goals for the fiscal year. All great, but even better is that the stock rebounded from its recent slide on the news. That’s “proof of concept” that this stock can buck the market by delivering to the bottom line when other businesses are hurting, which was one of the main reasons we bought this stock.
The stock surged 4% with the quarterly news…and Louis thinks the stock will continue higher. You can learn more about Louis’ favorite airline by signing up for a risk-free trial to International Speculator.

Chart of the Day

BP just had its worst year in at least three decades. Today’s chart shows BP’s profits since 1985. Since then, the oil giant has made money in 27 years and lost money in 3. Last year, BP lost a record amount of money. It lost more than it did in 2010 when one of the company's oil rigs exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. BP has cut billions of dollars in spending. It’s laid off thousands of workers. Yet, it’s still bleeding cash. The company may soon have to do the unthinkable and cut its dividend.

The article Here’s Why Oil Stocks Haven’t Bottomed Yet was originally published at

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Stock & ETF Trading Signals

Sunday, December 27, 2015

When Will They Bottom? Crude Oil, SP500, then ExxonMobil

A full blown bear market in energy resources and energy stocks has been underway since mid-2014. History shows that the price of crude oil typically bottoms before the broad stock market. And oil related stocks bottom at the same time or later than the broad market. The monthly chart below shows how oil bottoms several months before the stock market does. This provides us with some insight on when we should start to expect a bear market to end in the US stock market.
Many traders follow and trade shares of Exxon Mobil. And while the are big money maker I do feel their share price is going to underperform oil for some time. Based on my research XOM has acquired many new oil operations, which many require $70+ per barrel to be profitable. This has cost XOM a considerable amount of capital and is now left holding and operating business that are losing money with the current price of oil sub $40 per barrel.


Base on my analysis, economic data and forecast I feel as though oil will remain low for another 3-9 months below $60 per barrel. It will do this for several reasons but what matter to us is that it forced the majority of oil producers to cap and close off well and go out of business. While this is taking place stocks and the economy will rebalance through a strong economic recession and a bear market in equities that will last most if not longer than 2016. Take a look at the US stock market average (SP500 index) in the chart below. While this chart is a very basic and simple looking forecast understand that the stock market internals and market breadth have completely collapsed just s we saw in 2000 and again in 2008 months before the index collapsed and started bear markets.

Oil, XOM, and Stock Trading Conclusion:
In short, I expect oil to find a bottom during the next 1-3 months. Oil services stocks on average are likely to trade sideways and build a basing pattern. These oil services stocks will not breakout and rally until the broad stock market has bottomed which I expect to happen late in 2016 or early 2017. Unfortunately, oil and oil stocks collapsed so fast without any retest or pause for us to get short and enjoy the ride down for profits. I feel trading oil and oil stocks will be choppy and tough in the near year. Last week subscribers and I played the energy (XLE) for a quick two-day pop of 2-4% return depending on entry and exit. These types of plays will continue, but the big trend trade in oil and energy are a long way away yet.
The easier money will be likely be shorting the stock market (buying inverse ETFs) to profit as stocks collapse which is what I provide subscribers to my ETF trade alert newsletter.
Chris Vermeulen – www.The Gold & Oil

Get our latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Mrs. Magoo, Deflation, and Commodity Woes

By Tony Sagami 

Did you read my September 22 issue? Or my July 14 column? If you did, you could have avoided the downdraft that has pulled down stocks all across the transportation sector or even made a bundle, like the 100% gain my Rational Bear subscribers made by buying put options on Seaspan Corporation, the largest container shipping company in the world.

Don’t worry, though. Transportation stocks still have a long ways to fall, so it’s not too late to sell any trucking, shipping, or railroad stock you may own—or profit from their continued fall through shorting, put options, or inverse ETFs. This chart of the Dow Jones Transportation Average validates my negative outlook on all things transportation and shows why we’ve been so successful betting against the “movers” of the US economy.

However, the bear market for transportation stocks is far from finished.

Federal Express Crashes and Burns

Federal Express, which is the single largest weighting of the Dow Jones Transportation Average at 11.6%, delivered a trifecta of misery:
  1. Missed on revenues
  2. Missed on earnings
  3. Lowered 2016 guidance

I’m not talking about a small miss either. FedEx reported profits of $2.26 per share, well below the $2.46 Wall Street was expecting. Moreover, the company should benefit from having one extra day in the quarter, which makes the results even more disappointing.

What’s the problem?

“Weak industry demand,” according to FedEx. By the way, both Federal Express and United Parcel Service are good barometers of overall consumer spending/confidence, so that should tell you something about the (deteriorating) state of the US economy. Oh, and Federal Express announced that it will increase its rates by an average of 4.9% beginning in January 2015. Yeah, I bet that rate increase will really help with that already weak demand. The decline is even more troublesome when you consider that gasoline/diesel prices have fallen like a rock this year.

Speaking of Falling Commodity Prices

Oil, which dropped by 23% in the third quarter, isn’t the only commodity that’s falling like a rock.
  • Copper prices plunged to a six-year low.
  • Aluminum prices have also dropped to a six year low.
  • Coal prices have fallen 40% since the start of 2014.
  • Minerals aren’t the only commodities that are dropping. Sugar hit a 7-year low in August.
Commodities across the board are lower; the Thomson Reuters CoreCommodity CRB Index of 19 commodities was down 15% for the quarter and 31% over the last 12 months. Since peaking in 2008, the CRB Index is down 60%.

That’s why anybody and anything associated with the commodity food chain has been a terrible place to invest your money. Just last week:

Connecting the Dots #1: Caterpillar announced that it was going to lay off 4,000 to 5,000 people this year. That number could reach 10,000 by the end of 2016, and the company may close more than 20 plants. Layoffs are nothing new at Caterpillar—the company has reduced its total workforce by 31,000 workers since 2012.

The problem is lousy sales. Caterpillar just told Wall Street to lower its revenues forecast for 2016 by $1 billion. $1 billion!

How bad does the future have to look for a company to suddenly decide that it is going to lose $1 billion in sales? “We are facing a convergence of challenging marketplace conditions in key regions and industry sectors, namely in mining and energy,” said Doug Oberhelman, Caterpillar chairman and CEO.

Like the layoffs, vanishing sales are nothing new. 2015 is the third year in a row of shrinking sales, and 2016 will be the fourth. Caterpillar, by the way, isn’t the only heavy-equipment company in deep trouble.

Connecting the Dots #2: Last week, UK construction machinery firm and Caterpillar competitor JCB announced that it will cut 400 jobs, or 6% of its workforce, because of a massive slowdown in business in Russia, China, and Brazil.

“In the first six months of the year, the market in Russia has dropped by 70%, Brazil by 36%, and China by 47%,”said JCB CEO Graeme Macdonald. Caterpillar, the world’s biggest maker of earthmoving equipment, cut its full-year 2015 forecast in part because of the slowdown in China and Brazil.

Connecting the Dots #3: BHP Billiton announced that it is chopping its capital expenditure budget again to $8.5 billion, a stunning $10 billion below its 2013 peak. Moreover, BHP Billiton currently only has four projects in the works, two of which are almost complete, compared to 18 developments it had going just two years ago.

Overall, the mining industry—according to SNL Metals and Mining—is going to spend $70 billion less in 2015 less than it did in 2012. And in case you think metals prices are going to rebound, consider that the previous bear market for mining lasted from 1997 to 2002, which suggests at least another two years of shrinking budgets and pain.

Repeat After Me!

I have said this many, many times before, but repeat after me.....ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) and QE are DEFLATIONARY!

The reason is that cheap (almost free) money encourages over-investment as well as keeping zombie companies alive that should have gone out of business. Both of those forces are highly deflationary, and unless you think that Mrs. Magoo (Janet Yellen) is going to aggressively start jacking up interest rates, you better adjust your portfolio for years and years and years of deflation.

While the rest of the investment world has been struggling, here at Rational Bear, we’ve been doing just fine.

Here are the results of six recent trades: 38% return from puts on an oil services fund, 16.6% return from an ETF that shorts industry sectors, 200% return from puts on an auction house, 50% return from puts on a jeweler, 50% return from puts on a social media giant and 100% return from puts on a container shipping company.

And we still have more irons in the fire. It’s time to be bearish, so I suggest you give Rational Bear a try—like it or your money back.
Tony Sagami
Tony Sagami

30 year market expert Tony Sagami leads the Yield Shark and Rational Bear advisories at Mauldin Economics. To learn more about Yield Shark and how it helps you maximize dividend income, click here.

To learn more about Rational Bear and how you can use it to benefit from falling stocks and sectors, click here.

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