Have you noticed we’re getting a lot of brutally sharp reversals in the markets lately? It’s so frustrating because most traders get caught on the wrong side over and over again. So called safe trend trades get destroyed while betting on bold reversals is working like clockwork.
What’s going on?
For years, it was possible to just buy any dip in stocks and crank out winner after winner. But those days are long gone. If you try that now, you’ll burn through your account in the blink of an eye. These days’ trends reverse on a dime, but at the same time, you can’t just blindly pick tops and bottoms either.
Anyone who was short stocks recently learned that lesson the hard way when the market rocketed to new all time highs. The bottom line is that those outdated strategies no longer work. If you want to generate consistent profits in these volatile conditions, you’ve got to adapt. And that’s why
this short video by renowned trader John F. Carter is so exciting
You’ve just got to see the breakthrough strategy that allows him to catch massive price swings without breaking a sweat.
See for yourself >>> Click HERE to Watch <<<
If you haven’t heard of John before, he’s a best selling author and trader with over 25 years’ experience. He’s developed a world wide reputation for catching explosive trends in stocks, options, and even futures, too.
So I hope you attend on September 6th, 2016 at 7:00 PM Central for a special webinar called, “Hunting for Tops and Bottoms - Low Risk Setups for Trading Precise Turning Points in Any Market”.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn....
* A simple 3 step process to identify major market turning points in any market
* How to find low risk, high probability trades in today's volatile market conditions
* Why it’s finally possible to catch tops and bottoms in real time on almost any chart
* Why these ‘Bold and Beautiful’ reversal trades can be safer than ‘comfortable’ trades
* How to avoid getting suckered into the costly traps that most traders fall into
* How to adapt your trades automatically for choppy conditions and big trends
* How to know when a support or resistance level is likely to hold or not
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
I’m looking forward to this special event and I expect I’ll be taking a lot of notes, too. There may not be a replay and this event will almost certainly fill to capacity – so register now and be sure to show up a few minutes early. Unless you’ve already mastered trading these volatile swings, this could be the most important training you attend this year.
To claim your spot just
Click HERE
See you next Tuesday,
Ray @
the Crude Oil Trader
P.S. If you have not downloaded John's free eBook do it asap....
Just Click Here