Showing posts with label technical analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technical analysis. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Precious Metals Cycles Demand Attention

Over the past few weeks and months, my research team and I have been actively publishing this research to help you better understand what is really happening in the markets right now. With Gold trading above $2,000 for the first time and Silver trading near $27.50, skilled traders need to understand the risks in the markets that precious metals are warning of. Think of it like this, as long as Gold continues to trade near or above $1900, the risk levels in the global markets are at extreme levels for traders and investors. If Gold breaks above $2,400, then there is a very real concern that the global markets could be close to some type of decline/collapse event.


My research team believes the US stock market has already peaked near the January/February 2018 market highs. Our proprietary index analysis and price modeling systems suggest the US stock market has been buoyed by the U.S. Federal Reserve stimulus and foreign capital inflows (investment) while the US Dollar has strengthened. This trend may continue for a number of weeks or months, but precious metals are already warning that real fear has accelerated to levels we’ve not seen since 2010-2011....Continue Reading Here.

Stock & ETF Trading Signals

Thursday, August 9, 2018

U.S. Markets Moving Higher Until November 2018 - Part I

Our trading partners at The Technical Traders Ltd. have been laboring over the recent market moves attempting to identify if and when the market may be likely to turn lower or contract. They’ve been pouring over all types of various data from numerous sources and have concluded the following is the most likely outcome for when the US stock markets may find a reason to pause of contract.

As you read this research post, please allow us a brief introduction of the facts that supported our research.

                              Source: Palisade Research

First, our research team started this investigative work after watching the Buffet Indicator climb from the 2015-16 rotation levels to new highs and achieve some recent news events. This indicator, being one of Warren Buffett’s favorite tools for understanding market valuations in comparison to debt levels provides some interesting components for our team to study. Yet, we believed this indicator chart lacked something relating to the global markets and the use of the debt capital to spur future global economic activity.

Therefore, our team went off in search of something that could help us rationalize these high Buffet Indicator levels in true relation to the global markets and in relation to the capital shift that we believe is currently taking place throughout the planet. The first component of our assumption about the global markets is that capital is rushing away from riskier markets and towards more stable markets. The second component of our assumption is that national debt obligations are being re-evaluated based on perceived risks and contagion issues throughout the globe. The last component of our assumption is that the new US President is shaking up quite a bit of the old constructs throughout the globe and that the processes and policies put in place by President Trump are creating a very dynamic global capital market environment at the moment.

When you consider these three components and their combined results on the global capital markets, we have to understand that there is a very strong possibility that the largest GDP producing countries on the planet, and their banking, institutional and investor classes, are all operating within some aspect of these three components. This means there is a potential for at least $7 to $15 Trillion (10~20% of total global GDP) US Dollars that are actively sourcing and seeking secure returns while avoiding risks and debt contagion. This is a massive capital shift that is taking place currently – likely the largest the planet has ever seen.

As the Buffet Indicator is showing, the US stock market is nearing or passing all-time highs in valuation in relation to US debt levels. Yet, how does the Buffet Indicator correlate the global capital shift that is taking place and equate these dynamics into fair value. The US market, being the likely target of this massive capital shift, is a fair source for valuations comparisons, but we are experiencing a capital shift that has never before been seen at the levels we are currently experiencing. Sure, there have been shifts of capital before – but not at the $10 to 20 trillion USD level.

If we compare the Buffet Indicator to this Fred Global Stock Market Capitalization to GDP chart, some interesting facts begin to take shape. First, the peaks in 1974, 1999, 2008 and 2018 on the Buffet Indicator are not as evident on this chart. The 1974 peak is relatively nonexistent. The 1999 peak is a much more muted (28%) peak than on the Buffet Indicator chart and the 2008 and 2018 peaks are relatively correlated to the Buffet Indicator chart. One should be asking the question, “why are the two most recent peaks more correlated than previous peaks on this global capitalization to GDP chart?”. Our answer to that question is that after the 1999~2000 US market peak, the globe entered into a much more cooperative economic phase with the EU, China, South America and many other nations operating as global peers vs. global competitors. It was after this time that the capital markets began to “sync” in some form to the central banks policies and the unification processes that were taking place throughout the globe.

We should, therefore, assume that any global market contagion or crisis will likely take place in some measured form throughout nearly all global markets when it happens. Additionally, as regional debt or capital market crisis events occur in certain nations, capital that was deployed in these nations or capital markets will likely rush to new, safer environments for periods of time. Capital is always hunting for the safest and most secure returns while attempting to avoid risk and devaluation.

The central bank policies of the past two decades have allowed a massive increase in the available capital throughout the globe. Global GDP has risen from $33.57 Trillion in 2000 to $80.68 Trillion today – a whopping 140% increase in only 18 years. Historically, global GDP has risen by approximately these levels every 15~20 year for the past 50+ years. This is likely the result of the US moving away from the Gold standard and foreign nations following along with fiat currency central banks since after the 1960s-70s.

This tells us that the peak in 2000 on this global capital market to GDP chart resulted in a moderately isolated capital market peak that was uniquely available within the US and major economies – not globally. The 2008 peak represented a more globally equal capital market peak. This means the majority of the global capital market experienced capital appreciation. The same thing is happening right now – the global markets are experiencing an overall capital market appreciation that is a result of the past 20+ years of central bank policies and economic recovery efforts.

53 years experience in researching and trading makes analyzing the complex and ever-changing financial markets a natural process. We have a simple and highly effective way to provide our customers with the most convenient, accurate, and timely market forecasts available today. Our stock and ETF trading alerts are readily available through our exclusive membership service via email and SMS text. Our newsletter, Technical Trading Mastery book, and 3 Hour Trading Video Course are designed for both traders and investors. Also, some of our strategies have been fully automated for the ultimate trading experience.

Stock & ETF Trading Signals

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hidden Gems Shows A Foreboding Future

A quick look at any of the US majors will show most investors that the markets have recently been pushing upward towards new all time highs. These traditional market instruments can be misleading at times when relating the actual underlying technical and fundamental price activities. Today, we are going to explore some research using our custom index instruments that we use to gauge and relate more of the underlying market price action.

What if we told you to prepare for a potentially massive price swing over the next few months? What if we told you that the US and Global markets are setting up for what could be the “October Surprise of 2017” and very few analysts have identified this trigger yet? Michael Bloomberg recently stated “I cannot for the life of me understand why the market keeps going up”. Want to know why this perception continues and what the underlying factors of market price activity are really telling technicians?

At ATP we provide full time dedicated research and trading signal solution for professional and active traders. Our research team has dedicated thousands or hours into developing a series of specialized modeling systems and analysis tools to assist us in finding successful trading opportunities as well as key market fundamentals. In the recent past, we have accurately predicted multiple VIX Spikes, in some cases to the exact day, and market signals that have proven to be great successes for our clients. Today, we’re going to share with you something that you may choose to believe or not – but within 60 days, we believe you’ll be searching the internet to find this article again knowing ATP (Active Trading Partners) accurately predicted one of the biggest moves of the 21st century. Are you ready?

Let’s start with the SPY. From the visual analysis of the chart, below, it would be difficult for anyone to clearly see the fragility of the US or Global markets. This chart is showing a clearly bullish trend with the perception that continued higher highs should prevail.

Additionally, when we review the QQQ we see a similar picture. Although the volatility is typically greater in the NASDAQ vs. the S&P, the QQQ chart presents a similar picture. Strong upward price activity in addition to historically consistent price advances. What could go wrong with these pictures – right? The markets are stronger than ever and as we’ve all heard “it’s different this time”.

Most readers are probably saying “yea, we’ve heard it before and we know – buy the dips”.

Recently, we shared some research with you regarding longer term time/price cycles (3/7/10 year cycles) and prior to that, we’ve been warning of a Sept 28~29, 2017 VIX Spike that could be massive and a “game changer” in terms of trend. We’ve been warning our members that this setup in price is leading us to be very cautious regarding new trading signals as volatility should continue to wane prior to this VIX Spike and market trends may be muted and short lived. We’ve still made a few calls for our clients, but we’ve tried to be very cautious in terms of timing and objectives.

Right now, the timing could not be any better to share this message with you and to “make it public” that we are making this prediction. A number of factors are lining up that may create a massive price correction in the near future and we want to help you protect your investments and learn to profit from this move and other future moves. So, as you read this article, it really does not matter if you believe our analysis or not – the proof will become evident (or not) within less than 60 days based on our research. One way or another, we will be proven correct or incorrect by the markets.

Over the past 6+ years, capital has circled the globe over and over attempting to find suitable ROI. It is our belief that this capital has rooted into investment vehicles that are capable of producing relatively secure and consistent returns based on the global economy continuing without any type of adverse event. In other words, global capital is rather stable right now in terms of sourcing ROI and capital deployment throughout the globe. It would take a relatively massive event to disrupt this capital process at the moment.

Asia/China are pushing the upper bounds of a rather wide trading channel and price action is setting up like the SPY and QQQ charts, above. A clear upper boundary is evident as well as our custom vibrational/frequency analysis arcs that are warning us of a potential change in price trend. You can see from the Red Arrow we’ve drawn, any attempt to retest the channel lows would equate to an 8% decrease in current prices.

Still, there is more evidence that we are setting up for a potentially massive global price move. The metals markets are the “fear/greed” gauge of the planet (or at least they have been for hundreds of years). When the metals spike higher, fear is entering the markets and investors avoid share price risks. When the metals trail lower, greed is entering the markets and investors chase share price value.

Without going into too much detail, this custom metals chart should tell you all you need to know. Our analysis is that we are nearing the completion of Wave C within an initial Wave 1 (bottom formation) from the lows in Dec 2016. Our prediction is that the completion of Wave #5 will end somewhere above the $56 level on this chart (> 20%+ from current levels). The completion of this Wave #5 will lead to the creation of a quick corrective wave, followed by a larger and more aggressive upward expansion wave that could quickly take out the $75~95 levels. Quite possibly before the end of Q1 2018.

We’ve termed this move the “Rip your face off Metals Rally”. You can see from this metals chart that we have identified multiple cycle and vibrational/frequency cycles that are lining up between now and the end of 2017. It is critical to understand the in order for this move to happen, a great deal of fear needs to reenter the global markets. What would cause that to happen??

Now for the “Hidden Gem”....

We’ve presented some interesting and, we believe, accurate market technical analysis. We’ve also been presenting previous research regarding our VIX Spikes and other analysis that has been accurate and timely. Currently, our next VIX Spike projection is Sept 28~29, 2017. We believe this VIX Spike could be much larger than the last spike highs and could lead to, or correlate with, a disruptive market event. We have ideas of what that event might be like, but we don’t know exactly what will happen at this time or if the event will even become evident in early October 2017. All we do know is the following....

The Head-n-Shoulders pattern we first predicted back in June/July of this year has nearly completed and we have only about 10~14 trading days before the Neck Line will be retested. This is the Hidden Gem. This is our custom US Index that we use to filter out the noise of price activity and to more clearly identify underlying technical and price pattern formations. You saw from the earlier charts that the Head n Shoulders pattern was not clearly visible on the SPY or QQQ charts – but on THIS chart, you can’t miss it.

It is a little tough to see on this small chart but, one can see the correlation of our cycle analysis, the key dates of September 28~29 aligning perfectly with vibration/frequency cycles originating from the start of the “head” formation. We have only about 10~14 trading days before the Neck Line will likely be retested and, should it fail, we could see a massive price move to the downside.

What you should expect over the next 10~14 trading days is simple to understand.

Expect continued price volatility and expanded rotation in the US majors.
  • Expect the VIX to stay below 10.00 for only a day or two longer before hinting at a bigger spike move (meaning moving above 10 or 11 as a primer)
  • Expect the metals markets to form a potential bottom pattern and begin to inch higher as fear reenters the markets _ Expect certain sectors to show signs of weakness prior to this move (possibly technology, healthcare, bio-tech, financials, lending)
  • Expect the US majors to appear to “dip” within a 2~4% range and expect the news cycles to continue the “buy the dip” mantra.
The real key to all of this is what happens AFTER October 1st and for the next 30~60 days after. This event will play out as a massive event or a non event. What we do know is that this event has been setting up for over 5 months and has played out almost exactly as we have predicted. Now, we are 10+ days away from a critical event horizon and we are alerting you well in advance that it is, possibly, going to be a bigger event.

Now, I urge all of you to visit our website to learn more about what we do and how we provide this type of advanced analysis and research for our clients. We also provide clear and timely trading signals to our clients to assist them in finding profitable trading opportunities based on our research. Our team of dedicated analysts and researchers do our best to bring you the best, most accurate and advanced research we can deliver. The fact that we called this Head-n-Shoulders formation back in June/July and called multiple VIX Spike events should be enough evidence to consider this call at least a strong possibility.

If you want to take full advantage of the markets to profit from these moves, then join us today here at the Active Trading Partners and become a member.

Stock & ETF Trading Signals

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Getting Started in Commodities

Getting Started in Commodities shows you how to successfully invest in the commodities market in futures, stocks, stock indices, and options. The book explains how the commodities market works as well as how investors can identify and track commodity opportunities, using fundamental factors such as supply and demand and technical analysis tools. Fontanills, a seasoned trader and educator, also explains the basis of money management, teaches you how to find the best broker, and how to read seasonal chart patterns. Finally, he explores how to build a winning system and test and adjust it for success. Helpful appendices of contract specifications and additional readings are also included.

Just Click Here to order your copy of Getting Started in Commodities today!

Make sure to check out other great titles at The Crude Oil Trader Bookstore


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Technical Analysis Video: The Line Is Drawn In the Sand In the Equity Markets?

To many technicians, it is very clear where the equity markets will reverse, and for those folks who don't follow the technicals, this is a key reversal area in the S&P 500, the NASDAQ, and the Dow.

In our new short video we show you the exact levels that we think will reverse this market, if in fact it's ever going to reverse to the downside.

Currently the major trend remains positive for all the indices and we would only become negative on the these markets should the key levels we show you today, are broken.

As always our videos are free to watch and there are no registration requirements. We would really like to hear your thoughts on this video and the markets, so please feel free to leave a comment.

Technical Analysis Video: The Line Is Drawn In the Sand In the Equity Markets?


Friday, September 4, 2009

Technical Analysis: Crude Oil Is on ‘Slippery Slope’ Toward $60

Crude oil is on a “slippery slope” after failing to break through resistance and is set to test support at $60.43 a barrel, according to technical analysis by Auerbach Grayson, a brokerage in New York. The failure of October oil futures to breach $75.27, the June 11 high, has made crude vulnerable to “significant decline,” according to Richard Ross, a technical analyst at Auerbach Grayson. Futures dropped more than $7 since touching $75 a barrel on Aug. 25. “We are right on a precipice here and are at a very important inflection point,” Ross said in a telephone interview. Settling below $68 a barrel yesterday “opens the door to testing $65 and $60.43, which was the low on July 13”.....Read the entire article

Friday, August 21, 2009

New Video: Candlestick Formations You Need to Learn

Today’s short video is something quite special.

In many of our previous videos we’ve looked at charts using Japanese candlestick charts. While this is interesting, we’ve never quite explained to you some of the powers behind using Japanese candlestick charts.

The Japanese began using technical analysis to trade rice in the 17th century. While this early version of technical analysis was different from the US version initiated by Charles Dow around 1900, many of the guiding principles were very similar.

In this video we will point out to you some powerful Japanese candlestick formations on Google, Gold and Crude Oil.

Just Click Here to watch the video and please feel free to leave us a comment to let us know what you think.

Over 1,000 Hours of Trading Education

Friday, August 14, 2009

Gasoline May Fall to $1.76 Within a Month: Technical Analysis

Gasoline futures may fall from $2.02 a gallon to $1.76 by mid-September and below $1.35 by the end of the year, according to technical analysis by Infinity The front month gasoline contract is poised for a slide to $1.9575 within seven to 10 days and then $1.7619 within 30 days, said Fain Shaffer, president of Infinity, a commodities brokerage in Medford, Oregon. Prices may then reach the April low of $1.3411, he said. “We’re coming out of the peak demand time, we’ve seen the highs in the market and could be setting up for a pretty good fall,” Shaffer said in an interview. “I think we may have seen a peak in the market at $2.08. The next objective is $1.95 and from there we could free fall.....Complete Story

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Video: Fibonacci Analysis of Gold and Crude Oil

You may have heard about Fibonacci, the man who discovered a set of numbers which have been found to have a major affect on the market. So who is this Fibonacci fellow and why are his findings so important in the market place?

The mathematical findings by this thirteenth century Italian man has yielded a useful tool which is used in technical analysis and by scientists in a large array of fields.

In our new short video, I will look at gold and also the crude oil market using MarketClub’s Fibonacci tool. I think you will be surprised and shocked at just how accurate and up to date this dead mathematician’s work is in today’s markets.

This is such an important video that we only want to leave it online for a short time. We urge you to take 4 minutes and learn the Fibonacci secret to the markets.

There is no need to register for this video and of course you can watch it with our compliments, but you must act today otherwise you risk missing out on this key element to the market.

Just Click Here to Watch The Video!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oil Chart Signals A Bounce Needed For Rally, Oil Jumps Up More Than $2 Dollars

"Oil Rises More Than $2 as Equity Gains Signal Demand May Climb"
Crude oil rose more than $2 a barrel as equities gained, signaling that some investors expect economies to stabilize, bolstering energy demand. Oil climbed as much as 6.2 percent after stocks increased on better than estimated earnings at Wells Fargo & Co. and speculation banks will pass government stress tests....Complete Story

"Alaska Oil Regulators Deny Exxon Petition"
The state of Alaska has denied a petition from Exxon Mobil seeking permission from regulators to form a new oil and gas unit at Point Thomson. Exxon this week asked the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to unite the leases of different companies within the Point Thomson oil and gas field....Complete Story

"Oil Chart Signals a Bounce Needed for Rally: Technical Analysis"
Crude oil futures for May delivery are testing key support levels and an “immediate bounce” is needed for the contract to return to recent highs, according to technical analysis by Newedge Group. If prices break through support at the $47.50 to $48, a barrel level, the contract....Complete Story

"Mexico, U.S. Energy Ministers Meet on Cross-Border Oil Fields"
Mexican Secretary of Energy Georgina Kessel Martinez and her U.S. counterpart Steven Chu met on cross-border oil fields and renewable energy, said a statement of the Mexican government. The two ministers met during Kessel's visit to the United States.
The statement said that Kessel....Complete Story
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